03570nam 2200673 a 450 991014456430332120170816121929.01-282-34609-197866123460950-470-51365-90-470-51366-7(CKB)1000000000377097(EBL)470795(OCoLC)609849848(SSID)ssj0000288981(PQKBManifestationID)11232537(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000288981(PQKBWorkID)10384149(PQKB)10348707(MiAaPQ)EBC470795(EXLCZ)99100000000037709719880328d1988 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrApplications of plant cell and tissue culture[electronic resource]Chichester, Sussex, U.K. ;New York Wiley19881 online resource (282 p.)Ciba Foundation symposium ;137"Symposium on Applications of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, held at the Kyoto International Conference Centre, Kyoto, Japan, 20-22 October 1987"--P. v."A Wiley-Interscience publication."0-471-91886-5 Includes bibliographies and indexes.APPLICATIONS OF PLANT CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE; Contents; Participants; Introduction; Herbicide-resistant plants from cultured cells; Somaclonal variation; Applications of cell and tissue culture in tree improvement; The induction of embryogenesis in Nicotiana immature pollen in culture; Producing fertile somatic hybrids; Application of microinjection to a high frequency and synchronous somatic embryogenesis system in carrot suspension cultures; Protoplast fusion-mediated transfer of male sterility and other plasmone- control led traitsAnalysis of chloroplast parasexual hybrid calli genomes inTransformation of plant cells; Direct gene transfer to plants; Germ p lasm p resewat ion; Elicitation and metabolism of phytoalexins in plant cell cultures; Biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids; Biotechnological approaches to the production of isoquinoline alkaloids; Industrial production of shikonin and berberine; Problems in commercial exploitation of plant cell cultures; General discussion; Index of contributors; Subject indexThis work deals with basic plant physiology and cytology, and addresses the practical exploitation of plants, both as crops and as sources of useful compounds produced as secondary metabolites. Covers problems of commercial exploitation, socio-legal aspects of genetic engineering of crop plants, and of the difficulties of marketing natural compunds produced by cells under artificial conditions.Ciba Foundation symposium ;137.Plant micropropagationCongressesPlant biotechnologyCongressesPlant cell cultureCongressesPlant tissue cultureCongressesElectronic books.Plant micropropagationPlant biotechnologyPlant cell culturePlant tissue culture571.5382631.5631.523Symposium on Applications of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture(1987 :Kyoto, Japan)MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910144564303321Applications of plant cell and tissue culture2289398UNINA