05433nam 2200685 450 991014357800332120170810185118.01-118-67951-21-280-82698-397866108269880-470-08797-80-470-08796-X(CKB)1000000000355442(EBL)290275(OCoLC)437177351(SSID)ssj0000220661(PQKBManifestationID)11187060(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000220661(PQKBWorkID)10157115(PQKB)11477271(MiAaPQ)EBC290275(MiAaPQ)EBC4037472(PPN)152515895(EXLCZ)99100000000035544220060519h20072007 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPharmacometrics the science of quantitative pharmacology /edited by Ene I. Ette, Anoixis Corporation, Paul J. Williams, University of the Pacific and Anoixis CorporationHoboken, New Jersey :Wiley-Interscience,[2007]©20071 online resource (1227 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-471-67783-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.PHARMACOMETRICS; CONTENTS; CONTRIBUTORS; PREFACE; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; 1. Pharmacometrics: Impacting Drug Development and Pharmacotherapy; PART I GENERAL PRINCIPLES; 2. General Principles of Programming: Computer and Statistical; 3. Validation of Software for Pharmacometric Analysis; 4. Linear, Generalized Linear, and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models; 5. Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods; 6. Estimating the Dynamics of Drug Regimen Compliance; 7. Graphical Displays for Modeling Population Data; 8. The Epistemology of Pharmacometrics; 9. Data ImputationPART II POPULATION PHARMACOKINETIC BASIS OF PHARMACOMETRICS10. Population Pharmacokinetic Estimation Methods; 11. Timing and Efficiency in Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis Projects; 12. Designing Population Pharmacokinetic Studies for Efficient Parameter Estimation; 13. Population Models for Drug Absorption and Enterohepatic Recycling; 14. Pharmacometric Knowledge Discovery from Clinical Trial Data Sets; 15. Resampling Techniques and Their Application to Pharmacometrics; 16. Population Modeling Approach in Bioequivalence AssessmentPART III PHARMACOKINETICS / PHARMACODYNAMICS RELATIONSHIP: BIOMARKERS AND PHARMACOGENOMICS, PK/PD MODELS FOR CONTINUOUS DATA, AND PK/PD MODELS FOR OUTCOMES DATA17. Biomarkers in Drug Development and Pharmacometric Modeling; 18. Analysis of Gene Expression Data; 19. Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling; 20. Empirical Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Models; 21. Developing Models of Disease Progression; 22. Mechanistic Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Models I; 23. Mechanistic Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Models II; 24. PK/PD Analysis of Binary (Logistic) Outcome Data25. Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Ordered Categorical Longitudinal Data26. Transition Models in Pharmacodynamics; 27. Mixed Effects Modeling Analysis of Count Data; 28. Mixture Modeling with NONMEM V; PART IV CLINICAL TRIAL DESIGNS; 29. Designs for First-Time-in-Human Studies in Nononcology Indications; 30. Design of Phase 1 Studies in Oncology; 31. Design and Analysis of Clinical Exposure: Response Trials; PART V PHARMACOMETRIC KNOWLEDGE CREATION; 32. Pharmacometric/Pharmacodynamic Knowledge Creation: Toward Characterizing an Unexplored Region of the Response Surface33. Clinical Trial Simulation: Theory34. Modeling and Simulation: Planning and Execution; 35. Clinical Trial Simulation: Efficacy Trials; PART VI PHARMACOMETRIC SERVICE AND COMMUNICATION; 36. Engineering a Pharmacometrics Enterprise; 37. Communicating Pharmacometric Analysis Outcome; PART VII SPECIFIC APPLICATION EXAMPLES; 38. Pharmacometrics Applications in Population Exposure-Response Data for New Drug Development and Evaluation; 39. Pharmacometrics in Pharmacotherapy and Drug Development: Pediatric Application40. Pharmacometric Methods for Assessing Drug-Induced QT and QTc Prolongations for Non-antiarrhythmic DrugsPharmacometrics is the science of interpreting and describing pharmacology in a quantitative fashion. The pharmaceutical industry is integrating pharmacometrics into its drug development program, but there is a lack of and need for experienced pharmacometricians since fewer and fewer academic programs exist to train them. Pharmacometrics: The Science of Quantitative Pharmacology lays out the science of pharmacometrics and its application to drug development, evaluation, and patient pharmacotherapy, providing a comprehensive set of tools for the training and development of pharmacPharmacologyPharmacokineticsPharmacology.Pharmacokinetics.615.1615/.144.38bclEtte Ene I.Williams Paul J.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910143578003321Pharmacometrics2296610UNINA01572nam 2200361 n 450 99638549420331620221108011621.0(CKB)1000000000602100(EEBO)2240889404(UnM)9927666500971(UnM)99825489(EXLCZ)99100000000060210019941003d1668 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|A discourse, shewing the many advantages which will accrue to this kingdom by the abatement of usury[electronic resource] together with the absolute necessity of reducing interest of money to the lowest rate it bears in other countreys, that, at least, we may trade with our neighbours upon equal termes. Humbly presented to the High Court of Parliament now sitting. By Sir Tho. Culpeper jun. KtLondon printed by Tho. Leach, for Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet1668[12], 34 pReproduction of the original in the Cambridge University Library.eebo-0021UsuryEnglandEarly works to 1800InterestEnglandEarly works to 1800UsuryInterestCulpeper ThomasSir,1626-1697.1005596Cu-RivESCu-RivESCStRLINWaOLNBOOK996385494203316A discourse, shewing the many advantages which will accrue to this kingdom by the abatement of usury2390693UNISA