03740nam 2200709Ia 450 991014351100332120170815113339.01-280-27264-397866102726480-470-66877-60-470-87084-20-470-87085-0(CKB)111087027140062(EBL)164852(OCoLC)225354456(SSID)ssj0000208814(PQKBManifestationID)11189681(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000208814(PQKBWorkID)10262365(PQKB)10665566(MiAaPQ)EBC164852(EXLCZ)9911108702714006220010813d2000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe nature of intelligence[electronic resource] /[editors, Gregory R. Bock, Jamie A. Goode and Kate Webb]Chichester, West Sussex, England ;New York John Wiley & Sonsc20001 online resource (310 p.)Novartis Foundation symposium ;233Description based upon print version of record.0-471-49434-8 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.THE NATURE OF INTELLIGENCE; Contents; Participants; Introduction; Intelligence: success and fitness; Discussion; The g factor: psychometrics and biology; Discussion; Psychometric intelligence differences and brain function; Discussion; The g factor in non-human animals; Discussion; Natural selection, mental modules and intelligence; Discussion; General discussion I; g and the one-many problem: is one enough?; Discussion; General intelligence and the definition of phenotypes; Discussion; Is there a g factor for fitness?; Discussion; How can psychological adaptations be heritable?; DiscussionSocial complexity and social intelligenceDiscussion; IQ gains, WISC subtests and fluid g: g theory and the relevance of Spearman's hypothesis to race; Discussion; Mutation, selection and the heritability of complex traits; Discussion; The quantitative and molecular genetics of human intelligence; Discussion; Sexual selection for indicators of intelligence; Discussion; Final general discussion; Closing remarks; Index of contributors; Subject indexEvolutionary psychology and behavioural genetics are two successful and important fields in the study of human behaviour, but practitioners in these subjects have different conceptions of the nature of human intelligence. Evolutionary psychologists dispute the existence of general intelligence and emphasise the differences among species. They argue that natural and sexual selection would be expected to produce intelligences that are specialised for particular domains, as encountered by particular species. Behavioural geneticists consider general intelligence to be the most fundamental aspect oNovartis Foundation symposium ;233.IntellectCongressesBehavior geneticsCongressesGenetic psychologyCongressesAnimal intelligenceCongressesElectronic books.IntellectBehavior geneticsGenetic psychologyAnimal intelligence153.9156.3156.39Webb Kate953619Goode Jamie283336Bock Gregory322650Novartis Foundation.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910143511003321The nature of intelligence2156265UNINA