02716nam 2200649 450 991014322660332120220927214946.01-280-36691-597866103669100-470-34936-00-471-46152-00-471-42802-7(CKB)111087027112080(EBL)469055(OCoLC)814413264(SSID)ssj0000098253(PQKBManifestationID)11119320(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000098253(PQKBWorkID)10120654(PQKB)11234911(MiAaPQ)EBC469055(MiAaPQ)EBC4653576(Au-PeEL)EBL4653576(EXLCZ)9911108702711208020220307d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvances in chemical physicsvolume 125 /Ilya Prigogine, Stuart A. Rice1st ed.Chichester :John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,[2003]©20031 online resource (607 p.)Advances in chemical physics ;v. 125Description based upon print version of record.0-471-21452-3 Includes bibliograhpical references and index.ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 125; CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 125; INTRODUCTION; CONTENTS; FINITE-SIZE SCALING FOR ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS; A DISCUSSION OF SOME PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE QUANTUM MECHANICAL TREATMENT OF OPEN-SHELL MOLECULES; CONTROL OF QUANTUM DYNAMICS BY LASER PULSES: ADIABATIC FLOQUET THEORY; RECENT ADVANCES IN THE THEORY OF VIBRATION-ROTATION HAMILTONIANS; PROTON TRANSFER AND COHERENT PHENOMENA IN MOLECULAR STRUCTURES WITH HYDROGEN BONDS; AUTHOR INDEX; SUBJECT INDEXAdvances in Chemical Physics covers recent advances at the cutting edge of research relative to chemical physics. The series, Advances in Chemical Physics, provides a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline.Advances in chemical physics ;v. 125.Chemistry, Physical and theoreticalChemistry, Physical and theoreticalComputer programsElectronic books.Chemistry, Physical and theoretical.Chemistry, Physical and theoreticalComputer programs.541Prigogine Ilya12655Rice Stuart Alan1932-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910143226603321Advances in chemical physics335207UNINA