03431oam 22006733 450 99659127000331620240117034917.0(CKB)3800000000216124(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/37981(EXLCZ)99380000000021612420171009d2017uuuu uy| 0engurm|#---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAusterity baby /Janet WolffManchester University Press2017Manchester, England :Manchester University Press,2017.©20171 online resource (iv, 262 pages) illustrations (some colour), maps, facsimiles, portraits ; digital, PDF file(s)1-5261-2130-1 1-5261-2129-8 Includes bibliographical references.1. Atlantic moves --2. Provincial matters --3. Aliens -- 4. Colour (mainly blue) --5. Austerity baby --6. Tante Leonie --7. Houses and barns --8. Philately and chemistry --9. Spinster --10. Annunciation --Postscript --Acknowledgements --Family trees --Image credits --Bibliography."Austerity Baby might best be described as an ‘oblique memoir’. Janet Wolff’s fascinating volume is a family history – but one that is digressive and consistently surprising. The central underlying and repeated themes of the book are exile and displacement; lives (and deaths) during the Third Reich; mother-daughter and sibling relationships; the generational transmission of trauma and experience; transatlantic reflections; and the struggle for creative expression. Stories mobilised, and people encountered, in the course of the narrative include: the internment of aliens in Britain during the Second World War; cultural life in Rochester, New York, in the 1920s; the social and personal meanings of colour(s); the industrialist and philanthropist, Henry Simon of Manchester, including his relationship with the Norwegian explorer, Fridtjof Nansen; the liberal British campaigner and MP of the 1940s, Eleanor Rathbone; reflections on the lives and images of spinsters. The text is supplemented and interrupted throughout by images (photographs, paintings, facsimile documents), some of which serve to illustrate the story, others engaging indirectly with the written word."Art criticsEnglandManchesterArt and societyJewsSocial conditions20th centuryBiographyJewish familiesBiographyJewish familiesEnglandEnglandManchesterfastsecond world warmanchesterukspinstersexiledisplacementhenry simon of manchestereleanor rathbonethird reichartfridtjof nansenrochesternew yorkManchesterArt criticsArt and society.JewsSocial conditionsJewish familiesJewish families941.0820922Wolff Janet143335UkMaJRUNZ-WeVULBOOK996591270003316Austerity baby1912891UNISA05529oam 2200685zu 450 991014264470332120220610195935.097866105546699780470845905047084590297812805546671280554665(CKB)111056485558346(SSID)ssj0000080369(PQKBManifestationID)11107460(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000080369(PQKBWorkID)10095806(PQKB)10795576(MiAaPQ)EBC4956298(Au-PeEL)EBL4956298(CaONFJC)MIL55466(OCoLC)85821147(CaSebORM)9780471486435(PPN)197013910(OCoLC)857076831(OCoLC)ocn857076831(EXLCZ)9911105648555834620160829d2001 uy engurunu|||||txtccrThe application of programmable DSPs in mobile communications1st edition[Place of publication not identified]John Wiley & Sons Incorporated20011 online resource (1 v.) illBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph9780471486435 0471486434 9780470852200 0470852208 Includes bibliographical references and index.The history of DSP based architecture in secod generation cellular handsets /Alan Gatherer, Trudy Stetzler and Edgar Auslander --The role of programmble DSPs in dual mode (2G and 3G) handsets /Chaitali Sengupta ... [et al.] --Programmable DSPs for 3G base station modems /Dale Hocaver .. [et al.] -- The use of programmable DSPs in antenna array processing /Matthew Bromberg and Donald R. Brown -- The challenges of software-defined radio /Carl Panasik and Chaitali Sengupta --Enabling multimedia applications in 2.5G and 3G wireless terminals : challenges solutions /Edgar Auslander --A flexible distributed Java enviroment for wireless PDA architecture based on DSP technology /Gilbert Cabillic --Speech coding standards in mobile communications /Erdal Paksoy, Vishu Viswanathan, Alan McCree --Speech recognition solutions for wireless devices /Yeshwant Muthusamy, Yu-Hung Kao and Yifan Gong --Video and audio coding for mobile applications /Jennifer Webb and Chuck Lueck --Security paradigm for mobile terminals /Edgar Auslander .. [et al.] --Biometric systems applied to mobile communications /Dale R. Setlak and Lorin Netsch --The role of programmable DSPs in digital radio /Trudy Stetzler and Gavin Ferris --Benchmarking DSP architectures for low power applications /David Hwang, Cimarron Mittelsteadt and Ingrid Verbauwhede --Low power sensor networks /Alice Wang ... [et al.] --The pleiades architecture /Arthur Abnous --Application specific instruction set architecture extensions for DSPs /Jean-Pierre Giacalone --The pointing wireless device for delivery of location based applications /Pamela Kerwin, John Ellenby and Jeffery Jay.With the introduction of WAP in Europe and I-mode in Japan, mobile terminals took their first steps out of the world of mobile telephony and into the world of mobile data. At the same time, the shift from 2nd generation to 3rd generation cellular technology has increased the potential data rate available to mobile users by tenfold as well as shifting data transport from circuit switched to packet data. These fundamental shifts in nature and the quantity of data available to mobile users has led to an explosion in the number of applications being developed for future digital terminal devices. Though these applications are diverse they share a common need for complex Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and in most cases benefit from the use of programmable DSPs (Digital Signal Processors). * Features contributions from experts who discuss the implementation and applications of programmable DSPs * Includes detailed introductions to speech coding, speech recognition, video and audio compression, biometric identification and their application for mobile communications devices * Discusses the alternative DSP technology which is attempting to unseat the programmable DSP from the heart of tomorrow's mobile terminals * Presents innovative new applications that are waiting to be discovered in the unique environment created when mobility meets signal processing The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications provides an excellent overview for engineers moving into the area of mobile communications or entrepreneurs looking to understand state of the art in mobile terminals. It is also a must for students and professors looking for new application areas where DSP technology is being applied.Application of programmable Digital Signal Processors in mobile communicationsMobile communication systemsSignal processingDigital techniquesDigital control systemsMobile communication systems.Signal processingDigital techniques.Digital control systems.621.38456Gatherer Alan958288Auslander EdgarPQKBBOOK9910142644703321The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications2246334UNINA