04501nam 22006253 450 991014171720332120240308203003.03-7639-4494-X(CKB)2560000000153644(EBL)1661867(SSID)ssj0001538467(PQKBManifestationID)11830092(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001538467(PQKBWorkID)11525229(PQKB)11381778(MiAaPQ)EBC1661867(MiAaPQ)EBC7387102(Au-PeEL)EBL7387102(EXLCZ)99256000000015364420240308h20072007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLearning among regional governments quality of policy learning and policy transfer in regional lifelong learning policies /Paolo Federighi (ed. by), Carina Abreu, Ekkehard Nuissl von ReinFirst edition.Bielefeld :W. Bertelsmann Verlag,[2007]©20071 online resource (134 p.)Description based upon print version of record.3-7639-3577-0 Includes bibliographical references.Summary; Figures and Diagrams; Presentation; 1. Policy learning and transfer in regional lifelong learning policies; 1.1. Subject; 1.2. Institutional policy learning; 1.3. Policy learning units; 1.4. Policy transfer between institutions; References; 2. Trans-Regional policy learning and policy transfer in practice; 2.1 Policy Learning; 2.2 Policy Transfer; References; 3. Quality management during learning and transfer; 3.1 Network and governance; 3.2. Quality Management; 3.3 Quality management in learning; 3.4 Quality management in transfer; 3.5 Quality management in the political processReferences4. The Trans-Regional Soft OpenMethod of Coordination; 4.1. A definition; 4.2. The reasons and the results expected; 4.3. The basic components of the Soft Open Method of Coordination; References; 5. Postface; 5.1. "This type of initiative could be a suitable format for institutionalising cooperation between the Regions which would tend in the direction of a formula for establishing multilateral agreements"5.2. "Mutual learning between member Regions of the OMC can be a valuable medium for the improvement of the quality of the services offered to the citizens and of the effectiveness of the education and training policies"5.3. "The smaller size of the machinery and the relatively reduced complexity of the internal relationships, compared with the State organisation, mean that positive results can beachieved with in appropriate periods of time"5.4. "We have also been inspired by something that is bigger than 'instrument' or 'measure', something which is difficult to capture in a category and in a way much more fundamental. This has to do with some underlying understandings within the policies, cultures, values"References; 5.5. A regional perspective on SMOC from theWest Götaland Region; 5.6. "Coordination and cooperation among regional parliaments with similar powers must not only be restricted to Regions with a similar institutional status"Die sechs englischsprachigen Beiträge dokumentieren die Konzepte der von der EU im Rahmen von Prevalet geförderten internationalen Zusammenarbeit zwischen regionalen Regierungen im europäischen Raum sowie dem daraus resultierenden Aufbau eines Systems zur Unterstützung und Beschleunigung des Lern- und Innovationstransfers zwischen den europäischen Regionen. Das in diesem Kontext entwickelte, web-basierte Support-Netzwerk Soft Open Method of Coordination (SMOC) soll die Kooperation zwischen regionalen Regierungen in Weiterbildungsfragen vereinfachen und steht allen an Weiterbildung interessiertContinuing educationGovernment policyContinuing educationAdministrationAdult education and stateContinuing educationGovernment policy.Continuing educationAdministration.Adult education and state.374Federighi Paolo155447Abreu CarinaNuissl von Rein EkkehardMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910141717203321Learning among regional governments3401309UNINA