01041nam0 2200289 450 00002984920140205155600.0978-88-15-24572-420140205d2013----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yyTeoria dell' organizzazionetre propettive : moderna, simbolica, postmodernaMary Jo Hatch3. ed.BolognaIl Mulinoc2013396 p.24 cmStrumentiSociologia2001Strumenti. SociologiaOrganization theory : modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives<in italiano40515Organizzazione302.3522Interazione sociale in gruppi Organizzati gerarchicamente (complessi)Hacth,Mary Jo634395ITUNIPARTHENOPE20140205RICAUNIMARC000029849302-T/144812NAVA12014Organization theory : modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives40515UNIPARTHENOPE04873oam 22009854a 450 991048039820332120210104035725.00-8147-6390-110.18574/9780814763902(CKB)3710000000342971(EBL)2081587(OCoLC)906938138(SSID)ssj0001457187(PQKBManifestationID)12620023(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001457187(PQKBWorkID)11441196(PQKB)11398196(MiAaPQ)EBC2081587(DE-B1597)547668(DE-B1597)9780814763902(MdBmJHUP)muse86849(EXLCZ)99371000000034297120051020d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAchieving BlacknessRace, Black Nationalism, and Afrocentrism in the Twentieth Century /Algernon AustinNew York :New York University Press,2006.Baltimore, Md. :Project MUSE, 2021©2006.1 online resource (290 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-8147-0708-4 0-8147-0707-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Making races -- Asiatic identity in the Nation of Islam -- Achieving blackness during the Black power era -- The racial structures of Black power -- The racial ideology of Afrocentrism -- Conservative Black nationalism in the Afrocentric era -- Change in Black nationalism in the 20th century -- Making races, making ethnicities."Achieving Blackness offers an important examination of the complexities of race and ethnicity in the context of black nationalist movements in the United States. By examining the rise of the Nation of Islam, the Black Power Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, and the "Afrocentric era" of the 1980s through 1990s Austin shows how theories of race have shaped ideas about the meaning of "Blackness" within different time periods of the twentieth-century. Achieving Blackness provides both a fascinating history of Blackness and a theoretically challenging understanding of race and ethnicity. Austin traces how Blackness was defined by cultural ideas, social practices and shared identities as well as shaped in response to the social and historical conditions at different moments in American history. Analyzing black public opinion on black nationalism and its relationship with class, Austin challenges the commonly held assumption that black nationalism is a lower class phenomenon. In a refreshing and final move, he makes a compelling argument for rethinking contemporary theories of race away from the current fascination with physical difference, which he contends sweeps race back to its misconceived biological underpinnings. Achieving Blackness is a wonderful contribution to the sociology of race and African American Studies"--Publisher description.IslamswdNationalismusswdRassische IdentitätswdAfrozentrismusswdSchwarze(DE-588)4116433-7gndNationalbewusstsein(DE-588)4041282-9gndMuslim(DE-588)4040921-1gndEthnische Beziehung(DE-588)4176973-9gndBlack nationalismfast(OCoLC)fst00833733Black Muslimsfast(OCoLC)fst00833633Afrocentrismfast(OCoLC)fst00800053African AmericansRace identityfast(OCoLC)fst00799666African AmericansRace identityHistory20th centuryBlack MuslimsHistory20th centuryAfrocentrismUnited StatesHistory20th centuryBlack nationalismUnited StatesHistory20th centuryUSAswdSchwarzeswdUSAgndUnited StatesfastHistory.Electronic books. Islam.Nationalismus.Rassische Identität.Afrozentrismus.Schwarze.Nationalbewusstsein.Muslim.Ethnische Beziehung.Black nationalism.Black Muslims.Afrocentrism.African AmericansRace identity.African AmericansRace identityHistoryBlack MuslimsHistoryAfrocentrismHistoryBlack nationalismHistory305.896/07300904Austin Algernon1049104MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910480398203321Achieving Blackness2477815UNINA01461nam 2200277la 450 991048152450332120210618142903.0(UK-CbPIL)2090354652(CKB)5500000000105263(EXLCZ)99550000000010526320210618d1585 uy |laturcn||||a|bb|Adagia quaecumque ad hanc diem exierunt, Paulli Mannuccii studio, atque industria, ... ab omnibus mendis vindicata, quae pium, & veritatis Catholicae studiosum lectorem poterant offendere: sublatis falsis interpretationibus, & nonnullis, ... digressionibus. Cum plurimis, ac locupletissimis indicibus[electronic resource]Venice Vnitorum societate1585Online resource ([62] c., 2042 [i.e. 2044] col., [1] c., 4°)Reproduction of original in Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.Erasmus Desiderius1536.799747Manuzio Paolo1512-1574.327584Compagnia de gli Unitti968483Uk-CbPILUk-CbPILBOOK9910481524503321Adagia quaecumque ad hanc diem exierunt, Paulli Mannuccii studio, atque industria, ... ab omnibus mendis vindicata, quae pium, & veritatis Catholicae studiosum lectorem poterant offendere: sublatis falsis interpretationibus, & nonnullis, ... digressionibus. Cum plurimis, ac locupletissimis indicibus2199716UNINA02862oam 2200553zu 450 991014169220332120210807000623.0(CKB)2560000000289678(SSID)ssj0001404348(PQKBManifestationID)12599369(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001404348(PQKBWorkID)11381154(PQKB)10546204(EXLCZ)99256000000028967820160829d2012 uy itatxtccrPoteri centrali e autonomie nella Toscana medievale e moderna : atti del convegno di studi, Firenze, 18-19 dicembre 2008[Place of publication not identified]Leo S Olschki Editore2012Biblioteca storica toscana / a cura della Deputazione di storia patria per la Toscana Poteri centrali e autonomie nella Toscana medievale e moderna Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph88-222-6120-8 L'affermazione dei Comuni cittadini fra Impero e Papato : Pisa e Lucca da Enrico IV al Barbarossa (1081-1162) / Mauro Ronzani -- Poteri locali e processi di ricomposizione politico-territoriale in Toscana (1100-1200 ca.) / Maria Elena Cortese -- Potere centrale e comunità del territorio nello stato fiorentino alla fine del medioevo / Lorenzo Tanzini -- Le autonomie nella Toscana senese del basso medioevo / Maria Ginatempo -- Lucca e il suo territorio (secoli XV-XVIII) / Renzo Sabbatini -- Le città e il principe : L'equilibrio territoriale dello Stato mediceo / Luca Mannori -- Una nuova costituzione territoriale : La Riforma delle Comunità di Pietro Leopoldo / Antonio Chiavistelli.Poteri centrali e autonomie nella Toscana medievale e moderna Central-local government relationsHistoryTuscanyItalyCongressesCity-statesHistoryItalyTuscanyCongressesPower (Social sciences)HistoryTuscanyItalyCongressesGovernment - Non-U.SHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCGovernment - EuropeHILCCTuscany (Italy)Politics and governmentCongressesCentral-local government relationsHistoryCity-statesHistoryPower (Social sciences)HistoryGovernment - Non-U.S.Law, Politics & GovernmentGovernment - Europe320.80945/5Tanzini LorenzoTanzini LorenzoPinto GiulianoPinto GiulianoPQKBBOOK9910141692203321Poteri centrali e autonomie nella Toscana medievale e moderna : atti del convegno di studi, Firenze, 18-19 dicembre 20082436710UNINA