03557nam 2200673Ia 450 991014101260332120170815154051.01-118-01785-41-119-20234-51-283-05254-797866130525441-118-01783-8(CKB)2670000000078935(EBL)675216(OCoLC)713010168(SSID)ssj0000485785(PQKBManifestationID)11318079(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000485785(PQKBWorkID)10619762(PQKB)10262826(MiAaPQ)EBC675216(CaSebORM)9781118017852(EXLCZ)99267000000007893520101026d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMastering IDEAScript[electronic resource] the definitive guide /John Paul Mueller1st editionHoboken, NJ Wiley20111 online resource (496 p.)Includes index.1-118-00448-5 CONTENTS; Preface; Acknowledgments; CHAPTER 1 Introducing IDEAScript; CHAPTER 2 Creating Your First IDEAScript Application; CHAPTER 3 Understanding the Basics of the IDEAScript Editor; CHAPTER 4 Designing Structured Applications; CHAPTER 5 Working with Data; CHAPTER 6 Using Conditional Statements and Loops; CHAPTER 7 Understanding IDEA Databases; CHAPTER 8 Working with Databases; CHAPTER 9 Considering the CaseWare IDEA Object Model; CHAPTER 10 Performing Mathematical Tasks; CHAPTER 11 Interacting with Arrays; CHAPTER 12 Creating Interactive Dialog BoxesCHAPTER 13 Locating Information in DatabasesCHAPTER 14 Importing and Exporting Data; CHAPTER 15 Working with Files; CHAPTER 16 Working with Other Applications; CHAPTER 17 Performing Data Analysis Tasks; CHAPTER 18 Working with Charts and Graphs; CHAPTER 19 Defining Reports; CHAPTER 20 Considering Database Security; CHAPTER 21 Debugging Your Application; CHAPTER 22 Performing Project Management Tasks; CHAPTER 23 Converting Visual Script to IDEAScript; About the Author; About the Website; Index Improve your audit results and extend your capabilities with Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide Run audit programs and data analysis projects with ease. Create a local automated audit system. Meet current audit standards. Do it all with Mastering IDEAScript, the official guide from CaseWare IDEA®. Designed to help the complete novice develop the skills required to write applications using IDEAScript, this resource starts with simple topics, progressively working up to more complex areas. It helps you understand what automation can help you do and set reasonable goals for woAuditingData processingAccountingData processingScripting languages (Computer science)Data structures (Computer science)Electronic books.AuditingData processing.AccountingData processing.Scripting languages (Computer science)Data structures (Computer science)005.55024657657.0285/53657.028553BUS003000bisacshMueller John1958-140041MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910141012603321Mastering IDEAScript1913981UNINA