06047oam 22013694 450 991078833310332120230721045714.01-4623-0734-51-4527-6520-01-282-84343-597866128434331-4518-7276-3(CKB)3170000000055284(EBL)1608332(SSID)ssj0001487552(PQKBManifestationID)11850617(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001487552(PQKBWorkID)11481949(PQKB)10525145(OCoLC)451207112(MiAaPQ)EBC1608332(IMF)WPIEE2009129(EXLCZ)99317000000005528420020129d2009 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrThe Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets /Amadou SyWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2009.1 online resource (38 p.)IMF Working PapersDescription based upon print version of record.1-4519-1705-8 Includes bibliographical references.Contents; I. Introduction; II. Lessons from Previous Rating Crises; III. Credit Ratings in Capital Markets; A. The Demand and Supply for Credit Ratings; B. Use of Credit Ratings in Legislation, Regulations and Supervisory Policies (LRSP's); C. Costs and Benefits of Ratings; IV. The Systemic Risk of Ratings; V. Role of CRA's in Structured Products Markets; A. The Rapid Growth of Structured Products; B. AAA as the Gold Standard; VI. Model Risk in the Rating of Structured Credit Products; VII. Governance Issues in the Rating of Structured Credit Products; VIII. Policy RecommendationsA. Regulating CRAsB. Regulating Rated Securities Markets; C. Ensuring Systemic Stability; IX. Conclusions; X. ReferenceCredit ratings have contributed to the current financial crisis. Proposals to regulate credit rating agencies focus on micro-prudential issues and aim at reducing conflicts of interest and increasing transparency and competition. In contrast, this paper argues that macro-prudential regulation is necessary to address the systemic risk inherent to ratings. The paper illustrates how financial markets have increasingly relied on ratings. It shows how downgrades have led to systemic market losses and increased illiquidity. The paper suggests the use of "ratings maps" and stress-tests to assess the systemic risk of ratings, and increased capital or liquidity buffers to manage such risk.IMF Working Papers; Working Paper ;No. 2009/129Rating agencies (Finance)Financial crisesBanks and BankingimfFinance: GeneralimfInvestments: GeneralimfMoney and Monetary PolicyimfFinancial CrisesimfGeneral Financial Markets: Government Policy and RegulationimfInvestment BankingimfVenture CapitalimfBrokerageimfRatings and Ratings AgenciesimfFinancial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and RegulationimfMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralimfFinancing PolicyimfFinancial Risk and Risk ManagementimfCapital and Ownership StructureimfValue of FirmsimfGoodwillimfGeneral Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data)imfMonetary economicsimfFinancial services law & regulationimfFinanceimfInvestment & securitiesimfCredit ratingsimfCredit riskimfSystemic riskimfSecuritiesimfCreditimfMoneyimfFinancial regulation and supervisionimfFinancial sector policy and analysisimfFinancial institutionsimfFinancial risk managementimfFinancial instrumentsimfUnited StatesimfRating agencies (Finance)Financial crises.Banks and BankingFinance: GeneralInvestments: GeneralMoney and Monetary PolicyFinancial CrisesGeneral Financial Markets: Government Policy and RegulationInvestment BankingVenture CapitalBrokerageRatings and Ratings AgenciesFinancial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and RegulationMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralFinancing PolicyFinancial Risk and Risk ManagementCapital and Ownership StructureValue of FirmsGoodwillGeneral Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data)Monetary economicsFinancial services law & regulationFinanceInvestment & securitiesCredit ratingsCredit riskSystemic riskSecuritiesCreditMoneyFinancial regulation and supervisionFinancial sector policy and analysisFinancial institutionsFinancial risk managementFinancial instrumentsSy Amadou1462056DcWaIMFBOOK9910788333103321The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets3685536UNINA03610oam 22005894a 450 991014044640332120230621135403.0(CKB)2670000000557905(SSID)ssj0001669553(PQKBManifestationID)16460834(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001669553(PQKBWorkID)15002682(PQKB)11347570(OCoLC)1176454997(MdBmJHUP)muse87130(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/28860(EXLCZ)99267000000055790520200721e20202013 uy 0engur||#||||nn|ntxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRepetitionsScott Abbott and Žarko RadakovićBrooklyn, NYpunctum books2013Baltimore, Maryland :Project Muse,2020©20201 online resource (ii, 106 pages) illustrations; PDF, digital file(s)Published originally as: Ponavljanje (Belgrade: Vreme knjige, 1994).0-615-85133-9 Includes bibliographical references.Part I. Foreigners in a novel(ist)'s landscape / Scott Abbott -- Part II. Under the stone bridge / Žarko Radaković.In 1994, after following a character in Peter Handke's novel Repetition into what is now Slovenia and after traveling in landscapes of Handke's youth, Zarko Radakovic and Scott Abbott published a two-headed text in Belgrade, Ponavljane (Repetitions). The possibility of narration in two voices, complicated by the third voice that is Peter Handke's own narrator, is the main focus of deliberation while traveling and reading and writing. Repetitions begins with Abbott's text, a fairly straightforward travel narrative. It ends with Radakovic's account of the same events, much less straightforward, more repetitious, more adventuresome.First, the book is written by two authors whose native languages are Serbian and English respectively (German is their only common language). The authors' perspectives contrast with and supplement one another: Radakovic grew up in Tito's Yugoslavia and Abbott comes from the Mormon American West; Radakovic is the translator of most of Peter Handke's works into Serbo-Croatian and Abbott translated Handke's provocative A Journey to the Rivers: Justice for Serbia for Viking Press and his play Voyage by Dugout: The Play of the Film of the War for PAJ (Performing Arts Journal); Radakovic was a journalist for Deutsche Welle in Cologne and Abbott is a professor of German literature at Utah Valley University; Radakovic is the author of several novels and Abbott has published mostly literary-critical work; Radakovic was married to a theoretical physicist from Belgrade and Abbott was married to a homemaker with whom he had seven children; and so on. Two sets of eyes. Two pens. Two visions of the world.Travel writingbicsscCarinthia (Slovenia)Description and travelSloveniaDescription and travelCarnic Alps (Italy and Austria)Description and travelElectronic books. YugoslaviaPeter HandketranslationSloveniatravelTravel writingAbbott Scott H.965216Radaković ŽarkoMdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910140446403321Repetitions2189845UNINA