02311 am 22005173u 450 991014035430332120230621140639.0978178040471410.26530/OAPEN_578133(CKB)2660000000032166(OAPEN)578133(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/29546(EXLCZ)99266000000003216620151021d2013 uy engurmu#---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLeak detection technology and Implementation /Stuart Hamilton and Bambos CharalambousIWA Publishing2013London, UK :IWA Publishing,2013.1 online resource (106 pages)Print version: Hamilton, Stuart (Writer on water). Leak detection 9781780404707 (OCoLC)854577478 Ageing infrastructure and declining water resources are major concerns with a growing global population. Controlling water loss has therefore become a priority for water utilities around the world. In order to improve efficiencies, water utilities need to apply good practices in leak detection. Leak Detection: Technology and Implementation assists water utilities with the development and implementation of leak detection programs. Leak detection and repair is one of the components of controlling water loss.  In addition, techniques are discussed within this book and relevant case studies are presented. This book provides useful and practical information on leakage issues.Water supply & treatmentbicsscutility managementwater treatmentnetwork managementwater supplywater resourcesenvironmentCorrelation and dependenceHertzHydrophoneIntermittent energy sourceNon-revenue waterSpeed of soundWater supply & treatment363.61Hamilton Stuart(Writer on water),856602Charalambous BambosUkMaJRU9910140354303321Leak detection1912968UNINA