03258nam 2200685 a 450 991045409030332120200520144314.01-281-80320-097866118032090-8264-6969-8(CKB)1000000000557143(EBL)436390(OCoLC)285597603(SSID)ssj0000203735(PQKBManifestationID)12028393(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000203735(PQKBWorkID)10132673(PQKB)10616296(MiAaPQ)EBC436390(Au-PeEL)EBL436390(CaPaEBR)ebr10256271(CaONFJC)MIL180320(OCoLC)893334154(EXLCZ)99100000000055714320040624d2004 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMixing metaphors[electronic resource] God as mother and father in Deutero-Isaiah /Sarah J. DilleLondon ;New York T & T Clark Internationalc20041 online resource (215 p.)Journal for the study of the Old Testament. Supplement series ;398Gender, culture, theory ;13Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--Emory University).0-8264-7156-0 Includes bibliographical references (p. [179]-186) and indexes.Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter 1 UNDERSTANDING METAPHOR; Chapter 2 KINSHIP AND BIRTH IN DEUTERO-ISAIAH AND ANCIENT ISRAEL; Chapter 3 LIKE A WOMAN IN LABOR: ISAIAH 42.8-17; Chapter 4 YHWH'S SONS AND DAUGHTERS: ISAIAH 43.1-7; Chapter 5 THE DIVINE ARTISAN: ISAIAH 45.9-13; Chapter 6 CAN A MOTHER FORGET? ISAIAH 49.13-23; Chapter 7 DIVINE HUSBAND AND FATHER: ISAIAH 50.1-3; Chapter 8 CONCLUSIONS; Bibliography; Index of References; Index of AuthorsWhile most treatments of biblical metaphor examine individual metaphors in isolation, Sarah J. Dille presents a model for interpretation based on their interaction with one another. Using Lakoff and Johnson's category of "metaphoric coherence", she argues that when nonconsistent or contradictory metaphors appear together in a literary unit, the areas of overlap (coherence) are highlighted in each. Using the images of father and mother in Deutero-Isaiah as a starting point, she explores how these images interact with others: for example, the divine warrior, the redeeming kinsman, the artisan ofJournal for the study of the Old Testament.Supplement series ;398.Gender, culture, theory ;13.GodMotherhoodBiblical teachingGodFatherhoodBiblical teachingMetaphorMetaphor in the BibleElectronic books.GodMotherhoodBiblical teaching.GodFatherhoodBiblical teaching.Metaphor.Metaphor in the Bible.224/.1066Dille Sarah J954244MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454090303321Mixing metaphors2158217UNINA03230nam 2200721Ia 450 991045574050332120200520144314.01-280-45298-60-19-535530-X0-585-16401-0(CKB)111004366527992(EBL)272508(OCoLC)476011101(SSID)ssj0000227095(PQKBManifestationID)11173560(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000227095(PQKBWorkID)10264289(PQKB)11723322(MiAaPQ)EBC272508(Au-PeEL)EBL272508(CaPaEBR)ebr10279462(CaONFJC)MIL45298(OCoLC)466427218(EXLCZ)9911100436652799219960222d1997 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPrimitivism, radicalism, and the Lamb's war[electronic resource] the Baptist-Quaker conflict in seventeenth-century England /T.L. UnderwoodNew York Oxford University Press19971 online resource (201 p.)Oxford studies in historical theologyDescription based upon print version of record.0-19-510833-7 Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-181) and index.Contents; Abbreviations; 1. In a by-path he is resolv'd to go: Introduction; 2. The sacred Scripture is our just Confines: The Scripture; 3. Christ was in them, else were they Reprobates: The Person of Christ; 4. If there's salvation by the light within: Soteriology and Eschatology; 5. Fleshly forms we utterly deny: Baptism and the Lord's Supper; 6. From his Fold we will not turn aside: The Church; 7. A Guide within to lead all Men to Heav'n: The Light Within; 8. And by his Word, I've put them to flight: Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; QRS; T; V; W; Y; ZThe mid-17th century saw both the expansion of the Baptist sect and the rise of Quakerism. At first, the Quaker movement attracted some Baptist converts, but relations between the two groups soon grew hostile. However, this book contends that Quakers and Baptists had much in common with each other.Oxford studies in historical theology.BaptistsRelationsSociety of FriendsBaptistsEnglandHistory17th centurySociety of FriendsRelationsBaptistsSociety of FriendsEnglandHistory17th centuryEnglandChurch history17th centuryElectronic books.BaptistsRelationsSociety of Friends.BaptistsHistorySociety of FriendsRelationsBaptists.Society of FriendsHistory280.042280.042280/.042289.64209032Underwood T. L(Ted L.)851027MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455740503321Primitivism, radicalism, and the Lamb's war1900166UNINA05689nam 2200709 450 991014018730332120230803031911.01-118-57946-11-118-57915-11-118-57949-6(CKB)2670000000494156(EBL)1575623(SSID)ssj0001173132(PQKBManifestationID)11673342(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001173132(PQKBWorkID)11209233(PQKB)11587368(MiAaPQ)EBC1575623(Au-PeEL)EBL1575623(CaPaEBR)ebr10814705(CaONFJC)MIL550373(OCoLC)865333402(EXLCZ)99267000000049415620131221d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrElectromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces asymptotic models /Nicolas Pinel, Christophe BourlierLondon ;Hoboken, New Jersey :ISTE :Wiley,2013.©20131 online resource (162 p.)Focus SeriesDescription based upon print version of record.1-84821-471-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title Page; Contents; Preface; Introduction; CHAPTER 1. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SCATTERING FROM RANDOM ROUGH SURFACES: BASICS; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. Generalities; 1.2.1. Maxwell equations and boundary conditions; 1.2.2. Propagation of a plane wave (Helmholtz equation and plane wave); 1.2.3. Incident wave at an interface: polarization; 1.3. Random rough surfaces: statistical description and electromagneticroughness; 1.3.1. Statistical description of random rough surfaces; 1.3.2. Specific case of sea surfaces; 1.3.3. Electromagnetic roughness and Rayleigh roughness criterion1.4. Scattering of electromagnetic waves from rough surfaces: basics1.4.1. Presentation of the problem (2D/3D); 1.4.2. Huygens' principle and extinction theorem; 1.4.3. Green functions (2D/3D); 1.4.4. Scattered powers and scattering coefficients; CHAPTER 2. DERIVATION OF THE SCATTERED FIELD UNDER ASYMPTOTIC MODELS; 2.1. Bibliography on existing models; 2.1.1. Introduction; 2.1.2. Rigorous models; 2.1.3. Asymptotic models; 2.1.4. General properties of scattering; 2.1.5. A few details on the KA and the GO; 2.2. Scattering in reflection and transmission under the KA with shadowing effect2.2.1. KA in reflection and transmission with shadowing effect for 2D problems2.2.2. Extension of the KA model to 3D problems; 2.3. Scattering in reflection for 3D problems under various asymptotic models; 2.3.1. Context and specific notations; 2.3.2. The small perturbation model; 2.3.3. The Kirchhoff approximation-high-frequency regime; 2.3.4. The weighted curvature approximation; 2.3.5. The small slope approximation; 2.3.6. The local curvature approximation; 2.3.7. The resonant curvature approximation; 2.3.8. Validation of the different asymptotic numerical models for 2D problemsCHAPTER 3. DERIVATION OF THE NORMALIZED RADAR CROSS-SECTION UNDER ASYMPTOTIC MODELS3.1. Derivation of incoherent normalized radar cross-section under the GO for 2D problems; 3.1.1. Incoherent NRCS under the GO with shadowing effect for 2D problems; 3.1.2. Calculation of the bistatic shadowing functions in reflection and transmission; 3.2. General properties and energy conservation of the GO for 2D problems; 3.2.1. General properties of the GO for 2D problems; 3.2.2. Study of energy conservation under the GO for 2D problems3.3. Scattering coefficients under the GO with shadowing effect for 3D problems3.4. Energy conservation of the GO model for 3D problems; 3.4.1. Case of a perfectly conducting lower medium; 3.4.2. Case of a lossless dielectric lower medium; 3.5. Scattering in reflection for 3D problems under various asymptotic models; 3.5.1. Expression of the NRCS under the SPM1; 3.5.2. Expression of the NRCS under the GO; 3.5.3. Expression of the NRCS under the SSA; 3.5.4. Validation and comparison of the different asymptotic analytical models for 2D problems3.5.5. Comparison between numerical and analytical asymptotic models for 3D problemsElectromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces is an active, interdisciplinary area of research with myriad practical applications in fields such as optics, acoustics, geoscience and remote sensing.Focusing on the case of random rough surfaces, this book presents classical asymptotic models used to describe electromagnetic wave scattering. The authors begin by outlining the basic concepts relevant to the topic before moving on to look at the derivation of the scattered field under asymptotic models, based on the Kirchhoff-tangent plane, in order to calculate both the scattereFocus series in waves.Boundary value problemsElectromagnetic wavesScatteringMathematical modelsSurfaces (Physics)Mathematical modelsBoundary value problems.Electromagnetic wavesScatteringMathematical models.Surfaces (Physics)Mathematical models.515.35Pinel Nicolás859621Bourlier Christophe859622International Society for Technology in Education,MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910140187303321Electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces1918428UNINA