05377nam 2200661Ia 450 991013989710332120170816120802.01-282-30609-X97866123060990-470-74673-40-470-74672-6(CKB)1000000000808099(EBL)547053(OCoLC)469184397(SSID)ssj0000336180(PQKBManifestationID)11229524(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000336180(PQKBWorkID)10296966(PQKB)11283901(MiAaPQ)EBC547053(EXLCZ)99100000000080809920090527d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrContemporary topics in women's mental health[electronic resource] global perspectives in a changing society /editors, Prabha S. Chandra ... [et al.]Chichester, West Sussex ;Hoboken, NJ John Wiley20091 online resource (605 p.)World Psychiatric Association ;v.10Description based upon print version of record.0-470-75411-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contemporary Topics in Women's Mental Health; Contents; Foreword; Preface; List of Contributors; SECTION 1 Current themes in psychiatric disorders among women; 1. Psychotic disorders and bipolar affective disorder; 1.1 Psychotic disorders in women; 1.2 Schizophrenia; 1.3 Bipolar disorder; 1.4 Other psychoses; 1.5 Special issues in women with severe mental illness; 2. Depression and anxiety among women; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Epidemiology; 2.3 Transcultural aspects of affective disturbances in sub-Saharan Africa; 2.4 Treatment effects2.5 Sex differences in depression and anxiety disorders: Biological determinants2.6 Sex differences in depression and anxiety disorders: Social factors; 2.7 Mood and anxiety disorders across lifespan in women; 2.8 Pregnancy; 2.9 Motherhood; 2.10 Conclusion; 3. Somatisation and dissociation; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Somatisation - definitions and concept; 3.3 Dissociation - definitions and concept; 3.4 The diagnosis and classification of somatoform and dissociative disorders; 3.5 The neurobiology of somatisation and dissociation; 3.6 Psychosocial factors; 3.7 Conversion disorder3.8 Hypochondriasis3.9 Dissociative disorders; 3.10 Conclusions; 4. Eating disorders; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Risk factors and pathogenesis; 4.3 Distribution; 4.4 Presentation, assessment, diagnosis and engagement; 4.5 Treatment and management; 4.6 Conclusion; 5. Suicidality in women; 5.1 Definitions; 5.2 Epidemiology; 5.3 Suicidality and mental disorders and risk; 5.4 Suicide prevention; 6. Alcohol and substance abuse; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Genetics of alcohol and drug abuse; 6.3 Burden of the problem and patterns of drinking6.4 Alcohol and drug abuse, risky sexual behaviour and HIV vulnerability6.5 Stigma, women and alcohol and drug abuse; 6.6 Health consequences; 6.7 Social and economic consequences; 6.8 Interventions; 6.9 Challenges; 6.10 Research; 6.11 Recommendations; 6.12 Conclusions; 7. Psychiatric consequences of trauma in women; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 What types of traumata are more common among women?; 7.3 How do women respond to trauma?; 7.4 What are the trauma related risk factors?; 7.5 Which mental disorders are related to trauma?; 7.6 Future directions8. Voices of consumers - women with mental illness share their experiences8.1 'Ni Tagibebu' - 'I will change my lifestyle'; 8.2 Determined to go against the odds; 8.3 Brilliant madness - a narrative by a young woman from India who is recovering from mental illness; 8.4 From illness to purpose and recovery . . .; 8.5 Conclusions; SECTION 2 The interface between reproductive health and psychiatry; 9. Mental health aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period; 9.1 Mental health and maternal mortality; 9.2 Mental health and antenatal morbidity; 9.3 Depression in pregnancy9.4 Anxiety in pregnancyContemporary Topics in Women's Mental Health: Global Perspectives in a Changing Society considers both the mental health and psychiatric disorders of women in relation to global social change. The book addresses the current themes in psychiatric disorders among women: reproduction and mental health, service delivery and ethics, impact of violence, disasters and migration, women's mental health promotion and social policy, and concludes each section with a commentary discussing important themes emerging from each chapter. Psychiatrists, sociologists and students of women's studies will aWorld Psychiatric AssociationWomenMental healthWomenMental healthSocial aspectsMentally ill womenElectronic books.WomenMental health.WomenMental healthSocial aspects.Mentally ill women.362.196/890082Chandra Prabha S913905MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139897103321Contemporary topics in women's mental health2047655UNINA