03247nam 2200745 a 450 991013972380332120230802004410.01-4443-5493-01-118-39617-01-78268-543-X1-283-43570-597866134357051-4443-5495-71-4443-5492-2(CKB)2550000000079681(EBL)843409(OCoLC)773567111(SSID)ssj0000592135(PQKBManifestationID)11407072(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000592135(PQKBWorkID)10735726(PQKB)10027562(MiAaPQ)EBC4043838(MiAaPQ)EBC843409(Au-PeEL)EBL843409(CaPaEBR)ebr10630600(EXLCZ)99255000000007968120110818d2012 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrA new companion to the Gothic[electronic resource] /edited by David PunterMalden, Mass. Wiley-Blackwell20121 online resource (549 p.)Blackwell companions to literature and culture ;79Description based upon print version of record.1-119-06250-0 1-4051-9806-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.pt. 1. Gothic backgrounds -- pt. 2. The original Gothic -- pt. 3. Nineteenth- and twentieth-century transformations -- pt. 4. Gothic theory and genre -- pt. 5. The globalization of Gothic -- pt. 6. The continuing debate.The thoroughly expanded and updated New Companion to the Gothic, provides a series of stimulating insights into Gothic writing, its history and genealogy. The addition of 12 new essays and a section on 'Global Gothic' reflects the direction Gothic criticism has taken over the last decade. Many of the original essays have been revised to reflect current debates Offers comprehensive coverage of criticism of the Gothic and of the various theoretical approaches it has inspired and spawned Features important and original essays by leading scholars in the fieldBlackwell companions to literature and culture ;79.Horror tales, EnglishHistory and criticismGothic revival (Literature)English-speaking countriesPsychoanalysis and literatureEnglish-speaking countriesHorror tales, AmericanHistory and criticismPsychological fictionHistory and criticismGhost storiesHistory and criticismHorror tales, EnglishHistory and criticism.Gothic revival (Literature)Psychoanalysis and literatureHorror tales, AmericanHistory and criticism.Psychological fictionHistory and criticism.Ghost storiesHistory and criticism.823/.0872909Punter David152012MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139723803321A new companion to the Gothic2138896UNINA