05574nam 22012613u 450 991013962990332120240516063351.01-283-17847-897866131784731-4443-9806-71-4443-9804-0(CKB)2550000000041653(EBL)697799(OCoLC)745563165(SSID)ssj0000506284(PQKBManifestationID)12175146(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000506284(PQKBWorkID)10514981(PQKB)11715857(MiAaPQ)EBC697799(EXLCZ)99255000000004165320131021d2011|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrFlow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies1st ed.Hoboken Wiley20111 online resource (327 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4443-3588-X Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies; Contents; Foreword by Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson; Foreword by Bruno Brando; Preface and acknowledgments; Abbreviations; 1 Antigens; CD1 Antigens; CD2 Antigen; CD3 Antigen; CD4 Antigen; CD5 Antigen; CD7 Antigen; CD8 Antigen; CD10 Antigen; CD11b Antigen; CD11c Antigen; CD13 Antigen; CD14 Antigen; CD15 Antigen; CD16 Antigen; CD19 Antigen; CD20 Antigen; CD22 Antigen; CD23 Antigen; CD24 Antigen; CD25 Antigen; CD30 Antigen; CD33 Antigen; CD34 Antigen; CD38 Antigen; CD45 Antigen; CD45 Isoforms; CD56 Antigen; CD57 Antigen; CD61 Antigen; CD64 AntigenCD65 AntigenCD66c Antigen; CD71 Antigen; CD79 Antigen; CD103 Antigen; CD117 Antigen; CD138 Antigen; HLA-DR Antigen; NG2 Antigen; Immunoglobulins; Myeloperoxidase; Cytotoxic Proteins; KIR, CD158 Isoforms; T Cell Receptor; Terminal Deoxy-nucleotidyl Transferase; Bcl-2 Protein; ZAP-70 Protein; References; 2 Diseases; Myeloproliferative Neoplasms; Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms; Myelodysplastic Syndromes; Acute Myeloid Leukemias; Acute Leukemias of Ambigous Lineage Attribution; Acute Leukemias not Recognized by the WHO ClassificationNeoplastic Diseases of T and B Lymphatic PrecursorsNeoplastic Diseases of Mature B Cells; Neoplastic Diseases of Mature T and NK Cells; Appendix; References; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; ZFlow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies contains an array of graphical outputs produced by the technique in the study of the most (and the least) common diseases. The images included allow you to compare your own results with a third party reference pattern. There is a detailed description of the main leukocyte antigens, together with a description of their distribution amongst normal and abnormal blood cells. The book also provides a comprehensive description of the phenotype of every neoplastic blood disease recorded in the WHO classification system, including all the instructiFlow cytometryFlow Cytometry - methodsFlow Cytometry -- methodsFlow cytometryHematologic Neoplasms - diagnosisHematologic Neoplasms -- diagnosisHematological oncologyHematological oncologyHematological oncologyFlow cytometryInvestigative TechniquesNeoplasms by SiteCytophotometryHematologic DiseasesFluorometryCytological TechniquesNeoplasmsHemic and Lymphatic DiseasesDiseaseClinical Laboratory TechniquesLuminescent MeasurementsPhotometryChemistry Techniques, AnalyticalMethodsDiagnosisHematologic NeoplasmsFlow CytometryMedicineHILCCHealth & Biological SciencesHILCCOncologyHILCCFlow cytometry.Flow Cytometry - methods.Flow Cytometry -- methods.Flow cytometry.Hematologic Neoplasms - diagnosis.Hematologic Neoplasms -- diagnosis.Hematological oncology.Hematological oncology.Hematological oncology.Flow cytometryInvestigative Techniques.Neoplasms by Site.Cytophotometry.Hematologic Diseases.Fluorometry.Cytological Techniques.Neoplasms.Hemic and Lymphatic Diseases.Disease.Clinical Laboratory Techniques.Luminescent Measurements.Photometry.Chemistry Techniques, Analytical.Methods.Diagnosis.Hematologic Neoplasms.Flow Cytometry.MedicineHealth & Biological SciencesOncology616.99/418616.99418616.9941807582Ortolani Claudio292311AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910139629903321Flow cytometry of hematological malignancies837738UNINA