06354nam 2200721 a 450 991013961870332120230725050852.01-119-97274-41-283-17775-797866131777591-119-97119-51-119-97120-9(CKB)2550000000041323(EBL)697608(SSID)ssj0000506345(PQKBManifestationID)11344039(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000506345(PQKBWorkID)10515933(PQKB)11332617(OCoLC)739119066(MiAaPQ)EBC697608(EXLCZ)99255000000004132320110322d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvanced control of aircraft, rockets, and spacecraft[electronic resource] /Ashish TewariHoboken, N.J. Wiley20111 online resource (456 p.)Aerospace SeriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-470-74563-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Advanced Control of Aircraft, Spacecraft and Rockets; Contents; Series Preface; Preface; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Notation and Basic Definitions; 1.2 Control Systems; 1.2.1 Linear Tracking Systems; 1.2.2 Linear Time-Invariant Tracking Systems; 1.3 Guidance and Control of Flight Vehicles; 1.4 Special Tracking Laws; 1.4.1 Proportional Navigation Guidance; 1.4.2 Cross-Product Steering; 1.4.3 Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control; 1.5 Digital Tracking System; 1.6 Summary; Exercises; References; 2 Optimal Control Techniques; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Multi-variable Optimization2.3 Constrained Minimization2.3.1 Equality Constraints; 2.3.2 Inequality Constraints; 2.4 Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems; 2.4.1 Optimality Conditions; 2.5 The Hamiltonian and the Minimum Principle; 2.5.1 Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation; 2.5.2 Linear Time-Varying System with Quadratic Performance Index; 2.6 Optimal Control with End-Point State Equality Constraints; 2.6.1 Euler-Lagrange Equations; 2.6.2 Special Cases; 2.7 Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems; 2.7.1 Shooting Method; 2.7.2 Collocation Method; 2.8 Optimal Terminal Control with Interior Time Constraints2.8.1 Optimal Singular Control2.9 Tracking Control; 2.9.1 Neighboring Extremal Method and Linear Quadratic Control; 2.10 Stochastic Processes; 2.10.1 Stationary Random Processes; 2.10.2 Filtering of Random Noise; 2.11 Kalman Filter; 2.12 Robust Linear Time-Invariant Control; 2.12.1 LQG/LTR Method; 2.12.2 H2/H8 Design Methods; 2.13 Summary; Exercises; References; 3 Optimal Navigation and Control of Aircraft; 3.1 Aircraft Navigation Plant; 3.1.1 Wind Speed and Direction; 3.1.2 Navigational Subsystems; 3.2 Optimal Aircraft Navigation; 3.2.1 Optimal Navigation Formulation3.2.2 Extremal Solution of the Boundary-Value Problem: Long-Range Flight Example3.2.3 Great Circle Navigation; 3.3 Aircraft Attitude Dynamics; 3.3.1 Translational and Rotational Kinetics; 3.3.2 Attitude Relative to the Velocity Vector; 3.4 Aerodynamic Forces and Moments; 3.5 Longitudinal Dynamics; 3.5.1 Longitudinal Dynamics Plant; 3.6 Optimal Multi-variable Longitudinal Control; 3.7 Multi-input Optimal Longitudinal Control; 3.8 Optimal Airspeed Control; 3.8.1 LQG/LTR Design Example; 3.8.2 H8 Design Example; 3.8.3 Altitude and Mach Control; 3.9 Lateral-Directional Control Systems3.9.1 Lateral-Directional Plant3.9.2 Optimal Roll Control; 3.9.3 Multi-variable Lateral-Directional Control: Heading-Hold Autopilot; 3.10 Optimal Control of Inertia-Coupled Aircraft Rotation; 3.11 Summary; Exercises; References; 4 Optimal Guidance of Rockets; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Optimal Terminal Guidance of Interceptors; 4.3 Non-planar Optimal Tracking System for Interceptors: 3DPN; 4.4 Flight in a Vertical Plane; 4.5 Optimal Terminal Guidance; 4.6 Vertical Launch of a Rocket (Goddard's Problem); 4.7 Gravity-Turn Trajectory of Launch Vehicles4.7.1 Launch to Circular Orbit: Modulated Acceleration"Advanced Control of Aircraft, Missiles and Spacecraft introduces the reader to the concepts of modern control theory applied to the design and analysis of general flight control systems in a concise and mathematically rigorous style. It presents a comprehensive treatment of both atmospheric and space flight control systems including aircraft, rockets (missiles and launch vehicles), entry vehicles and spacecraft (both orbital and attitude control). The broad coverage of topics emphasizes the synergies among the various flight control systems and attempts to show their evolution from the same set of physical principles as well as their design and analysis by similar mathematical tools. In addition, this book presents state-of-art control system design methods - including multivariable, optimal, robust, digital and nonlinear strategies - as applied to modern flight control systems.Advanced Control of Aircraft, Missiles and Spacecraft features worked-out examples and problems at the end of each chapter as well as a number of MATLAB/ SIMULINK examples that are realistic and representative of the state-of-the-art in flight control"--Provided by publisher."this book presents state-of-art control system design methods - including multivariable, optimal, robust, digital and nonlinear strategies - as applied to modern flight control systems"--Provided by publisher.Aerospace series (Chichester, England)Flight controlAirplanesControl systemsSpace vehiclesControl systemsRockets (Aeronautics)Control systemsFlight control.AirplanesControl systems.Space vehiclesControl systems.Rockets (Aeronautics)Control systems.500629.11TEC002000bisacshTewari Ashish755492MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139618703321Advanced control of aircraft, rockets, and spacecraft2128419UNINA05213nam 2200757 450 991079661390332120200923020339.03-11-052861-410.1515/9783110528893(CKB)4100000001501668(DE-B1597)475061(OCoLC)1013826120(DE-B1597)9783110528893(Au-PeEL)EBL5156753(CaPaEBR)ebr11473952(MiAaPQ)EBC5156753(PPN)224588583(EXLCZ)99410000000150166820171223h20172017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierHorace and Seneca interactions, intertexts, interpretations /Herausgegeben von Martin Stockinger, Kathrin Winter und Andreas T. ZankerBerlin, [Germany] ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :De Gruyter,2017.©20171 online resource (445 pages) illustrationsBeiträge zur Altertumskunde,1616-0452 ;Band 3653-11-052402-3 3-11-052889-4 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Frontmatter -- Foreword -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- I. Philosophy in Literature - Literature in Philosophy -- Dressing Philosophy with sal niger. Horace's Role in Seneca's Approach to the Diatribic Tradition / Del Giovane, Barbara -- Nurses' Prayers, Philosophical otium, and Fat Pigs: Seneca Ep. 60 versus Horace Ep. 1.4 / Berno, Francesca Romana -- Saturnalian Exchanges: Seneca, Horace, and Satiric Advice / Edwards, Catharine -- II. Horatian Verse in Senecan Tragedy -- Custode rerum Caesare: Horatian Civic Engagement and the Senecan Tragic Chorus / Tarrant, Richard -- Horatian Contexts in Senecan Tragedy / Trinacty, Christopher -- Sounds and Space. Seneca's Horatian Lyrics / Allendorf, Tobias -- Strictness, Freedom, and Experimentation in Horatian and Senecan Metrics / Geiger, Jonathan -- III. Themes and Concepts -- Time in Horace and Seneca / Vogt-Spira, Gregor -- Studiorum instrumenta: Loaded Libraries in Seneca and Horace / Blum, Barak -- The Metapoetics of Liber-ty. Horace's Bacchic Ship in Seneca's De Tranquillitate Animi / Giusti, Elena -- Constructing Oneself in Horace and Seneca / Kirichenko, Alexander -- IV. Modes of Quotation and Issues of Reception -- Nostra faciamus. Quoting in Horace and Seneca / Tischer, Ute -- Horace, Seneca, and Martial: 'Sententious Style' across Genres / Mindt, Nina -- Seneca, Horace, and the Anglo-Latin 'Moralising Lyric' in Early Modern England / Moul, Victoria -- Table of Correspondences -- Works cited -- Contributors and Editors -- General IndexThis volume sets out to explore the complex relationship between Horace and Seneca. It is the first book that examines the interface between these different and yet highly comparable authors with consideration of their œuvres in their entirety. The fourteen chapters collected here explore a wide range of topics clustered around the following four themes: the combination of literature and philosophy; the ways in which Seneca's choral odes rework Horatian material and move beyond it; the treatment of ethical, poetic, and aesthetic questions by the two authors; and the problem of literary influence and reception as well as ancient and modern reflections on these problems. While the intertextual contacts between Horace and Seneca themselves lie at the core of this project, it also considers the earlier texts that serve as sources for both authors, intermediary steps in Roman literature, and later texts where connections between the two philosopher-poets are drawn. Although not as obviously palpable as the linkage between authors who share a common generic tradition, this uneven but pervasive relationship can be regarded as one of the most prolific literary interactions between the early Augustan and the Neronian periods. A bidirectional list of correspondences between Horace and Seneca concludes the volume.Beiträge zur Altertumskunde ;Band 365.HoraceHorazIntertextualitätRezeptionswissenschaftSenecaintertextualityreception studiesLITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & ClassicalbisacshHorace.Seneca.intertextuality.reception studies.Horace.Horaz.Intertextualität.Rezeptionswissenschaft.Seneca.intertextuality.reception studies.LITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical.874.01Stöckinger MartinWinter KathrinZanker Andreas Thomas1981-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796613903321Horace and Seneca1502830UNINA