03782nam 2200553 a 450 991013933990332120200520144314.01-282-25185-697866138139301-118-03290-X1-118-03115-6(CKB)2560000000060925(EBL)661616(OCoLC)705538684(SSID)ssj0000506339(PQKBManifestationID)11300176(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000506339(PQKBWorkID)10513364(PQKB)11306547(MiAaPQ)EBC661616(EXLCZ)99256000000006092519990419d1999 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDiscovering wavelets /Edward Aboufadel and Steven SchlickerNew York Wiley-Intersciencec19991 online resource (142 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-471-33193-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Discovering Wavelets; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; 1 Wavelets, Fingerprints, and Image Processing; 1.1 Problems of the Digital Age; 1.2 Digitizing Fingerprint Images; 1.3 Signals; 1.4 The Haar Wavelet Family; 1.5 Processing Signals; 1.6 Thresholding and Compression of Data; 1.7 The FBI Wavelet/Scalar Quantization Standard; 2 Wavelets and Orthogonal Decompositions; 2.1 A Lego World; 2.2 The Wavelet Sons; 2.3 Sibling Rivalry: Two Bases for Vn; 2.4 Averaging and Differencing; 2.5 Projecting Functions Onto Wavelet Spaces; 2.6 Function Processing and Image Boxes2.7 A Summary of Two Approaches to Wavelets3 Multiresolutions, Cascades, and Filters; 3.1 Extending the Haar Wavelets to the Real Line; 3.2 Other Elementary Wavelet Families; 3.3 Multiresolution Analysis; 3.4 The Haar Scaling Function Rediscovered; 3.5 Relationships Between the Mother and Father Wavelets; 3.6 Daubechies Wavelets; 3.7 High and Low Pass Filters; 3.8 More Problems of the Digital Age: Compact Discs; 4 Sample Projects; 4.1 Introduction: Overview of Projects; 4.2 Linear Algebra Project: Image Processing and Compression; 4.3 A Wavelet-Based Search Engine; 4.4 B-Splines4.5 Processing with the D4 Wavelets4.6 Daubechies Wavelets with Six Refinement Coefficients; Appendix A Vector Spaces and Inner Product Spaces; A.l Vector Spaces; A.2 Subspaces; A.3 Inner Product Spaces; A.4 The Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem; Appendix B Maple Routines; B.1 Matrix Generator; B.2 Processing Sampled Data; B.3 Projections onto Wavelet Spaces; B.4 The Cascade Algorithm; B.5 Processing an Image from Pixel Images; Appendix C Answers to Selected Problems; Appendix D Glossary of Symbols; References; IndexAn accessible and practical introduction to waveletsWith applications in image processing, audio restoration, seismology, and elsewhere, wavelets have been the subject of growing excitement and interest over the past several years. Unfortunately, most books on wavelets are accessible primarily to research mathematicians. Discovering Wavelets presents basic and advanced concepts of wavelets in a way that is accessible to anyone with only a fundamental knowledge of linear algebra.The basic concepts of wavelet theory are introduced in the context of an explanation of how the FBI uWavelets (Mathematics)Wavelets (Mathematics)515/.2433Aboufadel Edward1965-521872Schlicker Steven1958-521873MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139339903321Discovering Wavelets837852UNINA