03612nam 2200937z- 450 991055764780332120231214132845.0(CKB)5400000000044975(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76645(EXLCZ)99540000000004497520202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRadiation Sensing: Design and Deployment of Sensors and DetectorsBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (157 p.)3-0365-1440-6 3-0365-1439-2 Radiation detection is important in many fields, and it poses significant challenges for instrument designers. Radiation detection instruments, particularly for nuclear decommissioning and security applications, are required to operate in unknown environments and should detect and characterise radiation fields in real time. This book covers both theory and practice, and it solicits recent advances in radiation detection, with a particular focus on radiation detection instrument design, real-time data processing, radiation simulation and experimental work, robot design, control systems, task planning and radiation shielding.Radiation SensingTechnology: general issuesbicsscpassive radiation detectiongamma-rayneutronillicit traffickingnational securitynon-proliferationground-penetrating radargamma ray detectorsensor fusionnuclear wastesnuclear decommissioningradiation detectionradiological characterisationrheologyrapid prototypingradiation sensing technologiespartial dischargesscintillationsair insulationphotomultiplierCOTS commercial MAPSradiation responseintegral timegainhigh-energy α-particle detectionlow voltagethick depletion width detectorsremote-depth profilinggamma spectral analysisBayesian inferenceuncertainty estimationradioactive nuclear wasteradiological characterizationlow-resolution detectorremote depth profilingradioisotope identificationlow-level radioactive contaminantsspectrum-to-dose conversion operatorG(E) functiongaussian process regressiondose rate uncertaintyreal-time dosimetryoperational quantitiesplastic gamma spectraenergy broadening correctionCompton edge reconstructiondeep learningdeep autoencoderTechnology: general issuesGamage Kelumedt1325184Taylor C. JamesedtGamage KelumothTaylor C. JamesothBOOK9910557647803321Radiation Sensing: Design and Deployment of Sensors and Detectors3036656UNINA03966oam 22009614 450 991078822520332120230721045724.01-4623-2650-197866128442941-4518-7374-31-282-84429-61-4527-1474-6(CKB)3170000000055366(SSID)ssj0000940050(PQKBManifestationID)11528464(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000940050(PQKBWorkID)10947841(PQKB)11676837(OCoLC)694140989(MiAaPQ)EBC1608847(IMF)WPIEE2009227(EXLCZ)99317000000005536620020129d2009 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAnalyzing Fiscal Space Using the MAMS Model - An Application to Burkina FasoWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2009.63 p. illIMF Working Papers"October 2009."1-4519-1792-9 This paper analyses economic implications and the transmission mechanisms of different options for creating and using fiscal space. For creating fiscal space, we consider prioritizing expenditures, raising revenue, and scaled-up aid. Fiscal space is used for increasing health and education spending, infrastructure spending, or both. The analysis takes place within the World Bank's MAMS model, which is a multisectoral real computable general equilibrium model that incorporates the Millennium Development Goals. The model has been calibrated for Burkina Faso, which serves as an illustrative country example. Some of the key results are that absorbing a more educated labor force requires fundamental structural change in the economy; increasing health and education spending can face sizeable capacity constraints; and infrastructure spending has a positive effect on growth as well as education and health outcomes.IMF Working Papers; Working Paper ;No. 2009/227Fiscal policyBurkina FasoEconometric modelsLaborimfMacroeconomicsimfPublic FinanceimfFiscal PolicyimfLabor Economics: GeneralimfWages, Compensation, and Labor Costs: GeneralimfNational Government Expenditures and Related Policies: GeneralimfEducation: GeneralimfLabourimfincome economicsimfPublic finance & taxationimfEducationimfFiscal spaceimfWagesimfExpenditureimfFiscal policyimfLabor economicsimfExpenditures, PublicimfBurkina FasoEconomic policyEconometric modelsBurkina FasoEconomic conditionsEconometric modelsBurkina FasoimfFiscal policyEconometric models.LaborMacroeconomicsPublic FinanceFiscal PolicyLabor Economics: GeneralWages, Compensation, and Labor Costs: GeneralNational Government Expenditures and Related Policies: GeneralEducation: GeneralLabourincome economicsPublic finance & taxationEducationFiscal spaceWagesExpenditureFiscal policyLabor economicsExpenditures, PublicInternational Monetary Fund.African Dept.DcWaIMFBOOK9910788225203321Analyzing Fiscal Space Using the MAMS Model - An Application to Burkina Faso3741556UNINA03204nam 2200829 a 450 991013919240332120240607092141.097866126817079780470888308047088830X978128268170512826817029781118257807111825780497804708802960470880295(CKB)2560000000011996(EBL)542999(SSID)ssj0000404052(PQKBManifestationID)11265978(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000404052(PQKBWorkID)10437938(PQKB)11113205(Au-PeEL)EBL542999(CaPaEBR)ebr10394854(CaONFJC)MIL268170(CaSebORM)9780470584767(MiAaPQ)EBC542999(OCoLC)761319830(OCoLC)670428507(OCoLC)ocn670428507(OCoLC)ocn670428507 (EXLCZ)99256000000001199620100511d2010 uy 0engurunu|||||txtccrAdobe Creative Suite 5 bible /Ted Padova, Kelly L Murdock1st ed.Indianapolis Wiley20101 online resource (1275 p.)BibleIncludes index.9780470584767 0470584769 pt. 1. Getting started with workflow solutions -- pt. 2. Getting started with design workflows -- pt. 3. Working with objects and images -- pt. 4. Working with type -- pt. 5. Using Creative Suite and Microsoft Office -- pt. 6. Integrating Creative Suite documents -- pt. 7. Preparing documents for deployment -- pt. 8 Deploying documents -- pt. 9. Printing and digital prepress.Learn to use CS5 to produce better work and become a more productive designer The newest release of Adobe Creative Suite boasts a world of must-have features and enhancements to each of its applications: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Acrobat, and Version Cue. Written by a duo of Adobe experts, this thorough reference focuses on the collection of programs that comprise the Creative Suite and shows you how to efficiently integrate and manage your workflow between these applications. Padova and Murdock address common issues and explain how to handle typical challenges with thBibleAdobe Creative Suite five bibleCreative Suite 5 bibleComputer graphicsWeb sitesAuthoring programsDesktop publishingGraphic artsComputer programsComputer graphics.Web sitesAuthoring programs.Desktop publishing.Graphic artsComputer programs.006.686006.7006.786Padova Ted878478Murdock Kelly854559MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139192403321Adobe Creative Suite 5 bible1961398UNINA