05516nam 2200685 a 450 991013885630332120170815103054.01-118-59986-11-118-59993-41-118-59997-71-299-18732-3(CKB)2550000001005877(EBL)1124318(OCoLC)828298971(SSID)ssj0000834363(PQKBManifestationID)11462226(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000834363(PQKBWorkID)10980653(PQKB)10304807(MiAaPQ)EBC1124318(CaSebORM)9781118599860(PPN)250184621(EXLCZ)99255000000100587720100310d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrUnmanned aerial vehicles[electronic resource] embedded control /edited by Rogelio Lozano1st editionLondon ISTE ;Hoboken, N.J. Wileyc20101 online resource (346 p.)ISTE"Adapted from Objets volants miniatures : modelisation et commande embarquee published 2007."1-84821-127-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Chapter 1. Aerodynamic Configurations and Dynamic Models; 1.1. Aerodynamic configurations; 1.2. Dynamic models; 1.2.1. Newton-Euler approach; 1.2.2. Euler-Lagrange approach; 1.2.3. Quaternion approach; 1.2.4. Example: dynamic model of a quad-rotor rotorcraft; 1.3. Bibliography; Chapter 2. Nested Saturation Control for Stabilizing the PVTOL Aircraft; 2.1. Introduction; 2.2. Bibliographical study; 2.3. The PVTOL aircraft model; 2.4. Control strategy; 2.4.1. Control of the vertical displacement y2.4.2. Control of the roll angle θ and the horizontal displacement x2.4.2.1. Boundedness of θ; Boundedness of θ; Boundedness of x; Boundedness of x; Convergence of θ, θ, x and x to zero; 2.5. Other control strategies for the stabilization of the PVTOL aircraft; 2.6. Experimental results; 2.7. Conclusions; 2.8. Bibliography; Chapter 3. Two-Rotor VTOL Mini UAV: Design, Modeling and Control; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Dynamic model; 3.2.1. Kinematics; 3.2.2. Dynamics; Forces acting onthe vehicle; Torques acting on the vehicle3.2.3. Model for control analysis3.3. Control strategy; 3.3.1. Altitude control; 3.3.2. Horizontal motion control; 3.3.3. Attitude control; 3.4. Experimental setup; 3.4.1. Onboard flight system (OFS); 3.4.2. Outboard visual system; Position; Optical flow; 3.4.3. Experimental results; 3.5. Concluding remarks; 3.6. Bibliography; Chapter 4. Autonomous Hovering of a Two-Rotor UAV; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. Two-rotor UAV; 4.2.1. Description; 4.2.2. Dynamic model; Translational motion; Rotational motion; Reduced model; 4.3. Control algorithm design4.4. Experimental platform4.4.1. Real-time PC-control system (PCCS); Sensors and communication hardware; 4.4.2. Experimental results; 4.5. Conclusion; 4.6. Bibliography; Chapter 5. Modeling and Control of a Convertible Plane UAV; 5.1. Introduction; 5.2. Convertible plane UAV; 5.2.1. Vertical mode; 5.2.2. Transition maneuver; 5.2.3. Horizontal mode; 5.3. Mathematical model; 5.3.1. Translation of the vehicle; 5.3.2. Orientation of the vehicle; Euler angles; Aerodynamic axes; Torques; 5.3.3. Equations of motion; 5.4. Controller design; 5.4.1. Hover control5.4.1.1. Axial system5.4.1.2. Longitudinal system; Lateral system; Simulation and experimental results; 5.4.2. Transition maneuver control; 5.4.3. Horizontal flight control; 5.5. Embedded system; 5.5.1. Experimental platform; 5.5.2. Microcontroller; 5.5.3. Inertial measurement unit (IMU); 5.5.4. Sensor fusion; 5.6. Conclusions and future works; 5.6.1. Conclusions; 5.6.2. Future works; 5.7. Bibliography; Chapter 6. Control of Different UAVs with Tilting Rotors; 6.1. Introduction; 6.2. Dynamic model of a flying VTOL vehicle; 6.2.1. Kinematics; 6.2.2. Dynamics6.3. Attitude control of a flying VTOL vehicleThis book presents the basic tools required to obtain the dynamical models for aerial vehicles (in the Newtonian or Lagrangian approach). Several control laws are presented for mini-helicopters, quadrotors, mini-blimps, flapping-wing aerial vehicles, planes, etc. Finally, this book has two chapters devoted to embedded control systems and Kalman filters applied for aerial vehicles control and navigation. This book presents the state of the art in the area of UAVs. The aerodynamical models of different configurations are presented in detail as well as the control strategies which are validated iISTEDrone aircraftAutomatic controlEmbedded computer systemsDrone aircraftAutomatic control.Embedded computer systems.629.132/6629.1326Lozano Rogelio727156Lozano R(Rogelio),1954-727156MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910138856303321Unmanned aerial vehicles2242599UNINA