01262oam 22003614a 450 991013775720332120230802002356.088-6512-310-9(CKB)3280000000013089(MH)012512234-9(EXLCZ)99328000000001308920100611d2010 uy 0itaFede nella ragione ragionamenti sul credere /Matteo Rampin[electronic resource]Venezia Marcianum Pressc20101 online resource (217 p. )Empowerment ;788-6512-008-8 Empowerment (Venice, Italy, Italy) ;7.Fede nella ragione Belief and doubtFaith and reasonBelief and doubt.Faith and reason.Rampin Matteo471323ItFiCItFiCDLCBOOK9910137757203321Fede nella ragione2437315UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress