01026nam0 2200301 450 00001238720090209132622.088-13-17380-620080605d1991----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001zyDal piano Delors all'unione economica e monetariaa cura di Carlo Meriano e Dario Velo[scritti di P. Jenninger ... et al.]PadovaCedam1991129 p.24 cmCollana di studi europei22001Collana di studi europeiDal piano Delors all'unione economica e monetaria57771ECUSaggi339.509421Politica macroeconomica. EuropaVelo,Dario070Meriano,Carlo070Jenninger,Philipp070ITUNIPARTHENOPE20080605RICAUNIMARC000012387424/727303NAVA2Dal piano Delors all'unione economica e monetaria57771UNIPARTHENOPE03034 am 22005413u 450 991013745670332120230621141320.01-921313-94-3(CKB)3170000000065406(SSID)ssj0000764495(PQKBManifestationID)11424511(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000764495(PQKBWorkID)10776248(PQKB)11568924(MiAaPQ)EBC4746207(WaSeSS)Ind00043741(EXLCZ)99317000000006540620161203h20082008 uy| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe information systems academic discipline in Australia /Guy G. Gable, Shirley Gregor, Roger Clarke, Gail Ridley, Robert Smyth (editors)Canberra, ACT, Australia :ANU E Press,[2008]©20081 online resource (374 pages) illustrations; digital, PDF file(s)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-921313-93-5 This book represents the second phase of a multi-method, multi-study of the 'Information Systems Academic Discipline in Australia'. Drawing on Whitley's Theory of Scientific Change, the study analysed the degree of 'professionalisation' of the Information Systems Discipline, the overarching research question being 'To what extent is Information Systems a distinct and mature discipline in Australia?' The book chapters are structured around three main sections: a) the context of the study; b) the state case studies; and c) Australia-wide evidence and analysis. The book is crafted to be accessible to IS and non-IS types both within and outside of Australia. It represents a 'check point'; a snapshot at a point in time. As the first in a hoped for series of such snap-shots, it includes a brief history of IS in Australia, bringing us up to the time of this report. The editorial team comprises Guy Gable, architect and leader; Bob Smyth, project manager; Shirley Gregor, sponsor, host and co-theoretician; Roger Clarke, discipline memory; and Gail Ridley, theoretician. In phase two, the editors undertook to examine each component study, with a view to arriving at an Australia-wide perspective.Information technologyAustraliaInformation technologyStudy and teaching (Higher)AustraliaInformation storage and retrieval systemsResearchInformation technologyInformation technologyStudy and teaching (Higher)Information storage and retrieval systemsResearch.004.6Gable Guy G.Gregor. ShirleyClarke RogerMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQUkMaJRUBOOK9910137456703321The information systems academic discipline in Australia2199427UNINA