03614nam 2200589 450 991013679120332120230621140033.09788867053834(ebook)9788867053827(hardback)10.4000/books.ledizioni.4296(CKB)3710000000647494(SSID)ssj0001655949(PQKBManifestationID)16436054(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001655949(PQKBWorkID)14978237(PQKB)11482864(FrMaCLE)OB-ledizioni-4296(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/40614(EXLCZ)99371000000064749420160829d2015 uy |itauzbu#---uuuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAlessandro Baudi di Vesme e la scoperta dell'arte in Piemonte erudizione, musei e tutela in Italia tra Otto e Novecento /Alessandra Giovannini LucaLedizioni2015Italy :Ledizioni,20151 online resource (321 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographPrint version: 9788867053827 Like Adolfo Venturi and Corrado Ricci, Alessandro Baudi of Vesme (1854-1923) belonged to the last generation of scholars and self-taught officials who worked, between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the delicate process of affirmation of the historical-artistic discipline in Italy. Historical director of the Royal Pinacoteca of Turin and first superintendent of galleries and art classes in Piedmont and Liguria, Vesme added to his institutional commitments an intense activity of study of the local figurative culture with a privileged look on the events of the painting of the Four and the sixteenth century, in full alignment with the guidelines of the European historiographic debate of those years. Underlined by a perspective of cultural rehabilitation aimed at redeeming the subalpine region from the ranks of the suburbs of art, those investigations gave rise to a project of philological edition of the sources that still today is considered the documentary reference par excellence in the history of the arts in Piedmont: Schme Vesme, published posthumously between 1963 and 1982. The volume traces the critical and professional profile of their author through the thread of mutual interaction between the research plans and the protection initiatives promoted by him, relating and legitimizing his individual experiences in the light of the comparison with the Italian and foreign interlocutors and the requests, methods and peculiarities of the Piedmontese context.ArtHistoryConservation and restoration20th centuryPiedmontItalyArtCollectors and collecting20th centuryPiedmontItalyArt, ItalianItalyPiedmontVisual Arts - GeneralHILCCVisual ArtsHILCCArt, Architecture & Applied ArtsHILCCpiemontearteArtHistoryConservation and restorationArtCollectors and collectingArt, ItalianVisual Arts - GeneralVisual ArtsArt, Architecture & Applied ArtsGiovannini Luca Alessandra951311PQKBUkMaJRU9910136791203321Alessandro Baudi di Vesme e la scoperta dell'arte in Piemonte2150507UNINA