01643oam 2200289z- 450 991013620640332120230906203136.01-78010-837-0(CKB)3710000000916109(BIP)058651525(VLeBooks)9781780108377(EXLCZ)99371000000091610920210505c2017uuuu -u- -engThe shivering turnSevern House Digital1 online resource (224 p.) The Jennie Redhead mysteriesIntroducing Oxford-based private investigator Jennie Redhead in the first of a brand-new mystery series.'My daughter's not just run away - she's dead! When Mary Corbet walks into private investigator Jennie Redhead's rundown Oxford office one pleasant spring day in 1974, she is a desperate woman. Although she's convinced her daughter has been murdered, she can get neither the police nor her husband to agree with her.Jennie is not convinced either, but more out of compassion than conviction agrees to take the case. The only clue she has to go on is a fragment of an obscure 17th century poem she finds in Linda's bedroom: Or will you, like a cold and errant coward/Abandon all and make a shivering turn. But from that one clue Jennie's investigations will lead her beyond the city's dreaming spires to Oxford's darker underbelly, in which lurks a hidden world of privilege, violence and excess.EnglandFiction823.92Spencer Sally1434108BOOK9910136206403321The shivering turn4175372UNINA