03333nam 2201009z- 450 991055733690332120231214133421.0(CKB)5400000000042509(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76895(EXLCZ)99540000000004250920202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMaya Anthropological ArchaeologyBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (274 p.)3-0365-1973-4 3-0365-1972-6 This volume examines the intersection between archaeologists working in the Maya area of Central American and local communities and agencies. It highlights issues of past colonial practice as well as issues involving modern tourism. The archaeologists involved in this volume attempt to suggest ways of bettering both community relationships and standards of practice for the field of Maya archaeology.Biography & True StoriesbicsscArchaeologybicsscarchaeologycommunity museumsgender and sexualityMayaMaya k'an glyphTynanthus guatemalensis eugenolantidiabetic activitycultural heritageMaya archaeologyindigenous critique of anthropologysettler colonialismconservationexperimental archaeologyidentityeducationPuuccollaborationdescendant communitiesAfro-Caribbean historyCreoleBelizeheritage managementcollaborative researchconsolidationstabilizationlootingculinary heritagecelebrity chefsfoodwaystourismYaxunaharchaeological heritageeducation outreachcommunity participationculture and nature Conservationcommunity based heritage and preservationanthropological archaeologyCaste War of Yucatancommunity archaeologycommunity developmentarchaeological ethicsworld heritagecontinuitypublic outreachGuatemalamicrofinancehistorical archaeologyYucatantangible heritageengaged archaeologyinequalitycontradictionsBelizean archaeologyBiography & True StoriesArchaeologyFisher Chelsea Redt1322377Chase ArlenedtFisher Chelsea RothChase ArlenothBOOK9910557336903321Maya Anthropological Archaeology3034932UNINA03014oam 2200409 450 991013512610332120190911100033.00-7377-7325-1(OCoLC)893917758(MiFhGG)GVRL8SEJ(EXLCZ)99378000000005655520140428d2015 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtccrDrugs /Noel Merino, book editorFarmington Hills, Mich. :Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning,2015.1 online resource (147 pages) color illustrationsTeen rights and freedomsBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-7377-6998-X Includes bibliographical references (pages 138-140) and index.Student fourth amendment rights are more limited than the rights of adults / Richard Fossey -- Student drug testing has constitutional limits / Patrick D. Pauken -- Public schools may search students in order to maintain discipline : the Supreme Court's decision / Byron White -- Schools may test students involved in athletics for drugs : the Supreme Court's decision / Antonin Scalia -- Schools may test students involved in extracurricular activities for drugs : the Supreme Court's decision / Clarence Thomas -- The Supreme Court's ruling in Earls teaches students the wrong lesson / Richard Glen Boire -- The lawyer for the Earls defendant laments the court's decision : personal narrative / Graham Boyd, as told to Janelle Brown -- Student drug testing can be a component of drug use prevention / National Institute on Drug Abuse -- Court gives school drug-testing an A / Craig M. Bradley -- Drug testing students involved in athletics can be a benefit / Robert A. Stinchcomb -- Random drug testing of students violates their state privacy rights : the (Washington) State Supreme Court's decision / Richard B. Sanders -- No evidence supports the efficacy of random student drug testing / Oscar G. Bukstein -- Educators believe random student drug testing has benefits / Office of National Drug Control Policy -- Schools that conduct unwarranted student searches violate students' rights : the Supreme Court's decision / David Souter -- The student plaintiff in Redding describes her search by school officials : personal narrative / Savana Redding.Examines a broad range of perceived or actual legal rights and freedoms that impact the lives of young American teens. This volume focuses on the law and legislation concerning the rights of students regarding drug testing.Teen rights and freedoms.StudentsDrug testingLaw and legislationUnited StatesStudentsDrug testingLaw and legislation344.73/0793Merino NoelMiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910135126103321Drugs797894UNINA