03110oam 2200589 450 991013512040332120180804163502.00-472-90011-00-472-12113-810.3998/dh.13030181.0001.001(CKB)3780000000078641(EBL)4003826(SSID)ssj0001529075(PQKBManifestationID)12631252(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001529075(PQKBWorkID)11520740(PQKB)11561557(MiAaPQ)EBC4003826(MiAaPQ)EBC6533802(MiU)10.3998/dh.13030181.0001.001(EXLCZ)99378000000007864120150225d2015 ub 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDigital rhetoric theory, method, practice /Douglas EymanAnn Arbor :University of Michigan Press,[2015]1 online resource (173 pages)Digital humanitiesDescription based upon print version of record.Print version: 9780472072682 Includes bibliographical references (pages 141-156) and index."What is 'digital rhetoric'? This book aims to answer that question by looking at a number of inter-related histories, as well as evaluating a wide range of methods and practices from fields in the humanities, social sciences, and information sciences to determine what might constitute the work and the world of digital rhetoric. The advent of digital and networked communication technologies prompts renewed interest in basic questions such as 'what counts as a text?' and 'can traditional rhetoric operate in digital spheres or will it need to be revised? Or will we need to invent new rhetorical practices altogether?' Through examples and consideration of digital rhetoric theories, methods for both researching and making in digital rhetoric fields, and examples of digital rhetoric pedagogy, scholarship, and public performance, this book aims to provides a broad overview of digital rhetoric by investigating the histories and boundaries that arise from one version of a map of the emerging field, focusing on the theories that are taken up and revised by digital rhetoric scholars and practitioners, as well as the methods (both traditional and new) that can be used to both study digital rhetoric and to potentially make new forms that draw on digital rhetoric for their persuasive power"--Provided by publisher.Digital humanities (Ann Arbor, Mich.)RhetoricData processingRhetoricStudy and teachingDigital mediaOnline authorshipRhetoricData processing.RhetoricStudy and teaching.Digital media.Online authorship.808.00285Eyman Douglas924451MiUMiUBOOK9910135120403321Digital rhetoric2074586UNINA