01126nam2 22002771i 450 SUN006753920150324103854.63088-02-04721-920090302d1993 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆ2: ‰Dal periodo napoleonico al RisorgimentoPaola Notario, Narciso NadaTorinoUTET1993XIX, 485 p., [23] c. di tav.ill.25 cm.001SUN00675372001 ˆ8: Il ‰Piemonte sabaudo.2TorinoSUNL000001Notario, PaolaSUNV053613109264Nada, NarcisoSUNV053614174522UTETSUNV000072650ITSOL20181109RICASUN0067539UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07 CONS Ud 2180 07 11085 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE010311085CONS Ud 2180caDal periodo napoleonico al Risorgimento1437159UNICAMPANIA03600nam 2200589 450 991013354430332120230621141502.02-7226-0233-410.4000/books.cdf.2209(CKB)3390000000053770(SSID)ssj0001541837(PQKBManifestationID)11869395(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001541837(PQKBWorkID)11535578(PQKB)10504483(WaSeSS)IndRDA00045828(FrMaCLE)OB-cdf-2209(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/55938(PPN)267951469(EXLCZ)99339000000005377020160829d2013 uy |freur||#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLa pensée-signe études sur C. S. Peirce /Claudine TiercelinCollège de France2013France :Collège de France,20131 online resource (100 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Philosophie de la ConnaissanceBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographIncludes bibliographical references.Introduction -- Peirce ou la philosophie comme science -- Chapitre 1. Pour une analyse logique des produits de la pensée -- Chapitre 2. La critique de l’intuition -- Chapitre 3. Le vague de la sensation -- Chapitre 4. Un nouveau modèle du mental : pensée-signe et machines logiques -- Chapitre 5. La sémiotique du vague -- Conclusion -- Croyances, raison et normes -- Bibliographie.Founder of American pragmatism, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is considered the logician of this movement. He was however, just as much as William James, a great psychologist, working on the development of nascent experimental psychology, trying above all to think about the possible links between logic, psychology and metaphysics, by the elaboration of a "logical analysis of products of thought ”, inspired by Kantianism and medieval times (Ockam and Duns Scotus). A determined anti-psychologist and yet favourable to the taking into account of certain facts of psychology, anxious to extend formal logic to its philosophical (or semiotic) dimension, Peirce wanted to build a new model of the mind, which would extend to d 'other forms of intelligence than human thought, by a formal use of signs which nevertheless remains attentive to their irreducible wave. By presenting the main axes of this project - criticism of intuition and internalism, wave of sensation, theory of thought-sign, semiotics of the wave, reflections on logical machines, intentionality and mental images, normative conceptions of rationality and beliefs - these studies aim to reveal the originality and fruitfulness of Peircian ideas in philosophy of mind, and to show the coherence of this philosophical project close in many respects to the third path indicated by Kant in his deduction from categories, that of a “system of preformation of pure reason”.Philosophy & ReligionHILCCPhilosophyHILCCvagueconnaissancepragmatismelogiquesémiotiquesignificationPhilosophy & ReligionPhilosophyTiercelin Claudine1952-802319PQKBUkMaJRUBOOK9910133544303321Pensée-signe1803597UNINA