01006nam0 22002771i 450 SUN002402620050228120000.088-7179-149-520040917d1997 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Italo Rotail teatro dell'architetturaa cura di Mario LupanoMilanoMotta199795 p.ill.28 cm.MilanoSUNL000284720.9221Rota, ItaloSUNV02009539075Lupano, MarioSUNV018161MottaSUNV000282650ITSOL20181109RICASUN0024026BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01 PREST IBb232 01 2845 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE01072845PREST IBb232paItalo Rota351957UNICAMPANIA02724oam 2200493zu 450 991013353610332120210807004428.02-8218-3610-410.4000/books.pup.2512(CKB)3390000000053708(SSID)ssj0001306786(PQKBManifestationID)12489481(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001306786(PQKBWorkID)11282368(PQKB)11317320(FrMaCLE)OB-pup-2512(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/54892(PPN)182832198(EXLCZ)99339000000005370820160829d2001 uy freuu||||||m||||txtccrLe Nu et le Vetu Au Moyen Age (XIIe-XIIIe Siècles): Actes du 25e Colloque du CUER MA 2-3-4 Mars 2000Presses universitaires de Provence2001[Place of publication not identified]Publications de l'Universite de Provence20011 online resource (400 p.) Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph2-85399-474-0 Ce volume 47 de la collection « Senefiance » offre le texte des 29 communications qui ont été prononcées lors du colloque organisé par l'équipe de recherche du CUER MA (EA 2077) les 2, 3 et 4 mars 2000 à l'Université de Provence. Les intervenants ont porté leur réflexion soit sur des oeuvres précises (Fierabras, Aliscans, Eneas, Bisclavret, Silence, Merlin, Lancelot en prose, Queste del saint Graal), soit sur une vaste partie ou l'ensemble d'un domaine littéraire (lyrique occitane, chanson de geste, roman d'antiquité, roman arthurien, fabliau, théâtre, hagiographie). La connaissance de realia propres à la vie monastique ou aux pratiques funéraires permet des rapprochements intéressants avec la littérature, en éclairant des détails descriptifs ou des allusions. L'étude de l'imaginaire du vêtement révèle ses richesses mais aussi celles dont se pare la rhétorique lorsqu'elle joue des métaphores. Enfin, cinq de ces communications portent sur les littératures germanique et persane et ouvrent ainsi le champ à des études comparatives.littérature médiévaleimaginaire médiévallégende arthuriennenuvêtu809/.93355CUER MA (Center : Aix-en-Provence, France), Colloque StaffPQKBBOOK9910133536103321Le Nu et le Vetu Au Moyen Age (XIIe-XIIIe Siècles): Actes du 25e Colloque du CUER MA 2-3-4 Mars 20002174641UNINA04837nam 22008415 450 991086418560332120250221084044.09783031532191303153219810.1007/978-3-031-53219-1(MiAaPQ)EBC31352526(Au-PeEL)EBL31352526(CKB)32142004200041(DE-He213)978-3-031-53219-1(EXLCZ)993214200420004120240522d2024 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGlobalisation, Cultural Diversity and Schooling /edited by Joseph Zajda, Suzanne Majhanovich1st ed. 2024.Cham :Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer,2024.1 online resource (205 pages)Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research,2543-0572 ;419783031532184 303153218X Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Globalisation, cultural diversity and schooling -- 2. Acculturation vs Assimilation: Engaging with cultural diversity -- 3. The use of digital storytelling in bilingual/multilingual students’ meaning-making: A systematic literature review -- 4. The intersection of culturally and linguistically diverse students and inclusive education for students with disabilities in Canada: A Scoping Review -- 5. Global models of values education for democracy and cultural diversity -- 6. Globalization, political realism, and the agent-exclusion problem -- 7. Adapting mainstream learning environments to & for the refugees of Shangri La -- 8. Students’ attitudes to the employment options of college graduates on the autistic spectrum and their integration in the labour market -- 9. Globalisation, cultural diversity and schooling: Research trends.This book analyses dominant discourses of globalisation, cultural diversity and schooling. The collection in this volume advance further the discussions on the phenomenon of globalisation, and its far-reaching effects on our world, and consider cultural diversity in its broadest sense, as it manifests itself in a globalised world. Zajda has argued that globalisation represents a synthesis of technology, ideology and organisation, specifically related to border crossings of people, global finance and trade, IT convergence as well as cross-cultural communication. The reality of cultural diversity has been brought into stronger focus because of globalisation. Cultural diversity, always present in society is more evident today because of globalisation. The ways society copes with cultural diversity have changed such that the embrace of cultural diversity as part of identity is encouraged in liberal democracies. Cultural diversity, as presented in this volume is seen in a broad context and includes factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientations, socio-economic status, culture, age, and physical ability as well as a variety of beliefs and values. The book contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between globalisation, cultural diversity, democracy, and equality for all.Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research,2543-0572 ;41International educationComparative educationTeachingSocial justiceEducation and stateEducational sociologyInternational and Comparative EducationPedagogySocial JusticeEducational Policy and PoliticsSociology of EducationEducation PolicyPluralisme culturalthubGlobalitzacióthubEducació interculturalthubLlibres electrònicsthubInternational education.Comparative education.Teaching.Social justice.Education and state.Educational sociology.International and Comparative Education.Pedagogy.Social Justice.Educational Policy and Politics.Sociology of Education.Education Policy.Pluralisme culturalGlobalitzacióEducació intercultural305.8Zajda Joseph I.Majhanovich SuzanneMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910864185603321Globalisation, Cultural Diversity and Schooling4257960UNINA