02721 am 2200637 n 450 991049568620332120240104030727.02-39061-041-2(CKB)4100000011945178(FrMaCLE)OB-pucl-6232(PPN)256383286(EXLCZ)99410000001194517820210603j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||Crisis to CollapseThe Archaeology of Social BreakdownTim Cunningham, Jan DriessenLouvain-la-NeuvePresses universitaires de Louvain20211 online resource (314 p.)2-87558-526-6 This volume comprises the proceedings of a workshop with the same title which took place in October 2015. It was organised within the frame of the ARC13/18-049 (concerted research action) ‘A World in Crisis?’. It has both a large chronological scope-from the Late Paleolithic to the 12th c. AD - and wide geographical coverage, with case studies from the Maya, Southern US, Aegean, Sri Lanka, Indus, Gaul, Southern Levant, Anatolia, Egypt, North-western Europe, Alaska and Mesopotamia. It discusses and critically analyses the variety of signatures and archaeological correlates of crisis conditions that led to social breakdown. As such it makes massive strides forward to a better theoretical understanding of crisis-induced collapse.ArchaeologyarchaeologycollapsecrisisArchaeologyarchaeologycollapsecrisisArikan Bulent1456571Bárta Miroslav1456572Bocinsky R. Kyle1456573Cifarelli Megan1456574Cunningham Tim1454450Driessen Jan488097Fischer Svante1456575Heckbert Scott1456576Isendahl Christian1456577Kohler Timothy A1456578Kreimerman Igor1456579Lamoureux-St-Hilaire Maxime1456580Lind Lennart214212McAnany Patricia A1456581Middleton Guy D1456582Nigro Lorenzo327614Oetelaar Gerald1456583O’Brien Stephen27740Petrie Cameron A1456584Riede Felix1456585Strickland Keir1456586VanderHoek Richard1456587Wallace Saro610217FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495686203321Crisis to Collapse3657683UNINA01374nam 2200385 450 991013271920332120240207040129.01-4123-7170-810.1522/030165406(CKB)3680000000166333(NjHacI)993680000000166333(EXLCZ)99368000000016633320240207d2008 uy 0freur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierChronique des années égarées récit autobiographique /Serge MoscoviciChicoutimi :J.-M. Tremblay,2008.1 online resourceClassiques des sciences sociales ;3949Quatrième de couverture -- Introduction -- I. Si je t'oublie, Jérusalem -- II. Père et fils -- III. Guerre et destin -- IV. Le temps des anamorphoses -- V. Errances, espérances -- VI. À Paris ! à Paris !.Classiques des sciences sociales ;3949.Chronique des années égarées Social scientistsSocial scientists.378.121Moscovici Serge49432NjHacINjHaclBOOK9910132719203321Chronique des années égarées3908536UNINA