02591nam 2200613 450 991048100710332120170822144136.01-4704-0462-1(CKB)3360000000465042(EBL)3114056(SSID)ssj0000973514(PQKBManifestationID)11537982(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000973514(PQKBWorkID)10960965(PQKB)10965698(MiAaPQ)EBC3114056(PPN)195417461(EXLCZ)99336000000046504220060320h20062006 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrFlat level set regularity of p-Laplace phase transitions /Enrico Valdinoci, Berardino Sciunzi, Vasile Ovidiu SavinProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,[2006]©20061 online resource (158 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,0065-9266 ;number 858"July 2006, volume 182, number 858 (second of 4 numbers)."0-8218-3910-1 Includes bibliographical references (pages 143-144).""Contents""; ""Chapter 1. Introduction""; ""Chapter 2. Modifications of the potential and of one-dimensional solutions""; ""Chapter 3. Geometry of the touching points""; ""Chapter 4. Measure theoretic results""; ""Chapter 5. Estimates on the measure of the projection of the contact set""; ""Chapter 6. Proof of Theorem 1.1""; ""Chapter 7. Proof of Theorem 1.2""; ""Chapter 8. Proof of Theorem 1.3""; ""Chapter 9. Proof of Theorem 1.4""; ""Appendix A. Proof of the measure theoretic results""; ""A.1. Proof of Lemma 4.1""; ""A.2. Proof of Lemma 4.2""; ""A.3. Proof of Lemma 4.3""""Appendix B. Summary of elementary lemmata""""Bibliography""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;no. 858.Geometry, DifferentialLaplacian operatorLevel set methodsElectronic books.Geometry, Differential.Laplacian operator.Level set methods.510 s515/.39Valdinoci Enrico1974-732193Sciunzi BerardinoSavin Vasile Ovidiu1977-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910481007103321Flat level set regularity of p-Laplace phase transitions2061351UNINA02788nam 2200397 450 991013257950332120240206155750.01-4123-6587-210.1522/030139141(CKB)3680000000165761(NjHacI)993680000000165761(EXLCZ)99368000000016576120240206d2008 uy 0freur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLe chamanisme -- et les chamanismes -- dans les traditions du Pacifique Nord /Marie-Françoise GuédonChicoutimi :J.-M. Tremblay,2008.1 online resourceClassiques des sciences sociales ;3511La plupart des recherches sur les traditions dites chamaniques partent de l'hypothèse - relativement ancienne et classique - selon laquelle toutes ces traditions se réfèrent plus ou moins directement à un même substrat culturel. Mais cette hypothèse ne fiat pas l'unanimité. Cet article voudrait démontrer, à l'aide des résultats de recherche de son auteure sur l'ensemble de la côte du Pacifique nord, que les traditions chamaniques qui s'y retrouvent sont essentiellement distinctes les unes des autres et, dans le même mouvement, qu'elles résistent au temps.The majority of research on shamanic traditions begins with a relatively old hypothesis. This classic hypothesis states that all these traditions share, to some degree, in the same cultural substratum. But agreement on this idea is far from unanimous. This article seeks to demonstrate, through the author's research on the Pacific North as a whole, that shamanic traditions found there are distinct from each other and that they are resistant to change.A maior parte dos pesquisadores sobre as tradições ditas xamânicas falam da hipótese - relativamente antiga e clássicasegundo a qual tods as tradições se referem mais ou menos directamente a um mesmo substrato cultural. Esta hipótese não é unânime. Este artigo pretende mostrar, com a ajuda dos resultados da pesquisa da sua autora sobre o conjunto da costa do Pacífico norte, que as tradições xamânicas que aí se encontram são essencialmente distintas umas das outras e, no mesmo movimento, que elas resistem ao tempo.Classiques des sciences sociales ;3511.ShamanismShamanism.201.44Guédon Marie-Françoise1453737NjHacINjHaclBOOK9910132579503321Le chamanisme -- et les chamanismes -- dans les traditions du Pacifique Nord3908796UNINA