06673oam 2200745 450 991013243000332120230803212637.0(CKB)3710000000347285(SSID)ssj0001664980(PQKBManifestationID)16454262(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001664980(PQKBWorkID)14999193(PQKB)10742362(WaSeSS)IndRDA00055888(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/41585(EXLCZ)99371000000034728520160829d2014 fy 0spaurmn#---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAulas modernas[electronic resource] nuevas perspectivas sobre las reformas de la enseñanza secundaria en la época de la JAE (1907-1939) /edición de Leoncio López-OcónUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History2014Madrid, Spain :Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,2014.©20141 online resource (364 pages) illustrations, maps; digital, PDF file(s)Historia de las Universidades ;volume 36Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph84-9085-261-8 Includes bibliographical references.Introducción. Reflexiones sobre la modernidad en las aulas de bachillerato en el primer tercio del siglo XX --Los premios Ribera: el mecenazgo privado en los tiempos de la institucionalización de la actividad científica en España --La renovación de la enseñanza de la geografía en las aulas de bachillerato en los primeros años del siglo XX --Modernidad y fatiga en las escuelas españolas. Los instrumentos de la psicotecnia y la cultura de la eficacia en la época de la JAE --La influencia del Centro de Estudios Históricos en la modernización de los estudios literarios y lingüísticos --Las primeras mujeres catedráticas de institutos de enseñanza secundaria en España durante la dictadura de Primo de Rivera y su relación con la JAE --La incorporación de las mujeres a la educación secundaria durante la Segunda República: un estudio de caso sobre el Instituto Quevedo de Madrid --Los institutos republicanos madrileños (1931-1939) y su plantilla de Catedráticos --Guillermo Díaz-Plaja: la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura en Cataluña en el contexto de la JAE --El geólogo Vicente Sos. Historia de vida de un profesor e investigador de la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios.The book “Modern classrooms. New perspectives on the reform of secondary education at the time of the JAE” aims to provide a renewed focus on the development of secondary education in Spanish society of the first third of the 20th century, focusing attention on reforms and innovations promoted by the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones científicas (Board for Advanced Studies and Scientific Research) to improve the quality of that education level. The nine contributions in the work offer new knowledge about two important aspects of these reforms and innovations. On the one hand, new information about the renewing work of a large group of professors who introduced innovations in teaching practice of subjects such as natural history, geography, psychology, and language and literature. On the other hand, several case studies are presented to publicize the considerable effort made by the Spanish Second Republic to improve the quality of secondary education and increase decisively schooling rates by opening their classrooms to the women. In this multifaceted work have come together historians of science and education with the aim of helping better understand the Spanish public educational system and the history of their secondary education, which for too long has been the "poor cousin" of the historical-educational research. = El libro Aulas modernas. Nuevas perspectivas sobre las reformas de la enseñanza secundaria en la época de la JAE pretende ofrecer un renovado enfoque sobre el desarrollo de la enseñanza secundaria en la sociedad española del primer tercio del siglo XX, concentrando su atención en las reformas e innovaciones promovidas por la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas para mejorar la calidad de ese nivel educativo. Las nueve contribuciones de la obra aportan nuevos conocimientos sobre dos aspectos significativos de esas reformas e innovaciones. Por una parte se ofrece relevante información sobre la labor de un amplio grupo de profesores que introdujeron innovaciones en la práctica docente de asignaturas como las ciencias naturales, la geografía, la psicología, y la lengua y literatura. Por otro lado se presentan diversos análisis de casos para dar a conocer el considerable esfuerzo efectuado por la Segunda República para elevar la calidad de la enseñanza secundaria e incrementar las tasas de escolarización abriendo sus aulas a las mujeres de manera decidida. Esta obra poliédrica, donde han confluido historiadores de la ciencia y de la educación, pretende por tanto ayudar a conocer mejor el sistema educativo público español y la historia de su educación secundaria que durante largo tiempo ha sido el “pariente pobre” de la investigación histórico-educativa.Historia de las Universidades ;volume 36.Educational changeSpainHistory of EducationHILCCEducationHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCSpainJunta para Ampliación de EstudiosSpainSecondary educationSpainWomen teachersHistory of contemporary SpainHigh-schoolsJunta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones CientíficasHistoria de España contemporáneaInstitutosHistory of secondary educationJAETeachersProfesoresEnseñanza de las ciencias y de las humanidadesTeaching science and humanitiesHistoria de la educación secundariaEducational changeSpain.History of EducationEducationSocial SciencesAragón Albillos Santiagoauth1375492López Ocón Leoncio1956-PQKBUkMaJRUBOOK9910132430003321Aulas modernas3410015UNINA04692nam 22006851 450 991079238960332120200514202323.01-78225-646-61-78225-647-410.5040/9781782256472(CKB)2560000000353547(SSID)ssj0001437167(PQKBManifestationID)12633462(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001437167(PQKBWorkID)11445037(PQKB)11025740(MiAaPQ)EBC6199618(MiAaPQ)EBC6159425(OCoLC)904183729(UtOrBLW)bpp09258420(MiAaPQ)EBC4948999(Au-PeEL)EBL4948999(CaONFJC)MIL851806(OCoLC)1024281816(EXLCZ)99256000000035354720150326d2015 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrThe law and practice of expulsion and exclusion from the United Kingdom deportation, removal, exclusion and deprivation of citizenship /general editor, Eric Fripp, MA (St. Andrews), LLM MA LLM (London), of Gray's Inn, Barrister ; deputy editors, Rowena Moffatt, BA (Oxon), LLM (College of Europe), of the Inner Temple, Barrister ; Ellis Wilford, MA (Cantab), of Gray's Inn, Barrister ; foreword by The Rt Hon the Lord Hope of Craighead KT1st ed.Oxford, United Kingdom ;Portland, Oregon :Hart Publishing,2015.1 online resource (594 pages)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-84946-589-4 Includes bibliographical references (pages 493-495) and index.Part A. Background -- Foundations of the system -- Part B. Legal framework -- Public international law (general) -- International human rights law -- International law : hybrid regimes -- Council of Europe instruments -- EU law -- Domestic law -- Part C. Deportation, removal and exclusion -- Deportation -- Administrative removal of persons -- Exclusion from the UK -- Part D. Denial and deprivation of citizenship -- Denial of British citizenship -- Deprivation of British citizenship or right of abode -- Part E. Procedure and remedies -- International remedies -- Remedies under EU law -- Council of Europe remedies -- Domestic remedies.Resort by the state to measures of exclusion and expulsion from the territory of the UK and/or from British citizenship have multiplied over the past decade, following the so-called 'War on Terror', increased globalisation, and the growing politicisation of national policies concerning immigration and citizenship. This book, which focuses on the law and practice governing deportation, removal and exclusion from the UK, the denial of British citizenship, and deprivation of that citizenship, represents the first attempt by practitioners to provide a cohesive assessment of UK law and practice in these areas. The undertaking is a vital one because, whilst these areas of law and practice have long existed as the hard edge of immigration and nationality laws, in recent years the use of some powers in this area has greatly increased and such powers have arguably expanded beyond secondary existence as mere mechanisms of enforcement. The body of law, practice and policy created by this process is one which justifies treatment as a primary concern for public lawyers. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the law in these areas and its background. This involves a consideration of interlocking international and regional rights instruments, EU law and the domestic regime. It is a clear and comprehensive everyday guide for practitioners and offers an invaluable insight into likely developments in this dynamic area of public law. '.deserves to be on the bookshelves of all those who seek to practise within this carefully defined area of immigration and nationality law.' From the Foreword by Lord Hope of Craighead KTCitizenshipGreat BritainCitizenship, Loss ofGreat BritainDeportationGreat BritainRefoulementGreat BritainImmigration lawCitizenshipCitizenship, Loss ofDeportationRefoulement342.41082Fripp EricMoffatt RowenaWilford EllisUtOrBLWUtOrBLWUkLoBPBOOK9910792389603321The law and practice of expulsion and exclusion from the United Kingdom3728862UNINA