04002nam 2200697 450 991013228960332120230422033457.010.4000/books.ifpo.4795(CKB)3710000000347235(MH)006980004-9(SSID)ssj0001541796(PQKBManifestationID)12012900(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001541796(PQKBWorkID)11535149(PQKB)11685415(WaSeSS)IndRDA00045655(PPN)182828034(FrMaCLE)OB-ifpo-4795(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/52468(EXLCZ)99371000000034723519960807d1995 uy 0freur||#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL'ombre et son double femmes islamistes, libanaises et modernes /Dalal el-BizriPresses de l’Ifpo1995Beirut, Lebanon :Presses de l'Ifpo,1995.1 online resource (114 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Cahiers du CERMOC ;Number 13Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographPrint version: 9782905465061 Includes bibliographical references (pages [111]-112).The study by Dalal el-Bizri, researcher and associate professor at the Lebanese University, is part of a CERMOC research program devoted to public life and its expressions in Middle Eastern societies (see Cahiers du CERMOC n ° 5, 7, 8, 9, 12).Often treated (more often mistreated by current representations), the situation of Muslim women in Arab societies is discussed here with regard to Lebanon, on which no field study was available, particularly since the development of Islamist mobilizations in Lebanese society. The raw material for this exploratory study is provided by interviews Dalal el-Bizri conducted with ten Shiite women active in Hezbollah, in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The author restores us a testimony of the body to body and the debate which mingled her with her subject (s) during several months of investigation. She thus reminds the reader to what extent research is also a questioning of oneself, in the person of the researcher as well as in the paradigms which help him to construct his object. On this dialectic of subject and object, generally inscribed in the “horstext” of research but which here forms part of his very writing, another is superimposed. The itinerary of the women questioned about their release into the public sphere in Lebanon testifies to their modernity. Islam, which constructs their representation of themselves and inscribes them in history, appeals to tradition. Would the modernity claimed by Islamism be different from that which it condemns in the name of tradition? We know that the quarrel is not just a play on words. Its political dimension will shape the Lebanon of tomorrow and everyone, along with the author, must seek the outcome ... without concession.Cahiers du CERMOC ;Number 13.Women in IslamWomenLebanonSocial conditionsWomenLegal status, laws, etcLebanonWomen (Islamic law)Gender & Ethnic StudiesHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCGender Studies & SexualityHILCCislamismeLibanislamfemmes musulmanesWomen in Islam.WomenSocial conditions.WomenLegal status, laws, etc.Women (Islamic law)Gender & Ethnic StudiesSocial SciencesGender Studies & SexualityBazrī Dalāl993623PQKBUkMaJRUBOOK9910132289603321L'ombre et son double2275203UNINA07014 am 2202029 n 450 9910293356903321201808042-7099-2569-910.4000/books.irdeditions.17274(CKB)4100000007145926(FrMaCLE)OB-irdeditions-17274(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/46321(PPN)267950764(EXLCZ)99410000000714592620181120j|||||||| ||| 0spauu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEn sentido contrario Transnacionalización de religiones africanas y latinoamericanas /Kali Argyriadis, Stefania Capone, Renée De La Torre, André Mary, María Palomar VereaMarseille IRD Éditions20181 online resource (256 p.) 607-486-188-9 La globalización, en sus formas contemporáneas, tiene un impacto sin precedentes en el desplazamiento de prácticas religiosas que antes estuvieron profundamente ancladas en tradiciones, territorios y grupos sociales específicos, sobre todo etnonacionales. Esla obra examina los procesos de transnacionalización de diferentes religiones que recorren en sentido contrario las rutas y los intercambios entre África, Europa y América. Las etnografías contenidas en este volumen describen tradiciones religiosas que viajan en el equipaje de los migrantes para refundar comunidades diaspóricas; religiones afroamericanas que debido a su fama internacional ampliaron y transnacionalizaron su red de parentesco ritual dando paso a la iniciación de nuevos adeptos; misiones cristianas que emprenden la reconquista del viejo continente; circulación de ritos y símbolos en circuitos mercantiles globales que ofrecen segmentos de las tradiciones religiosas reconvertidas en mercancías artísticas, terapéuticas, mágicas y turísticas; y finalmente, fronteras que atravesaron y con ellas transnacionalizaron prácticas religiosas étnicas y nacionales. Todas estas dinámicas de movilización transnacional son objeto de estudios a partir de los cuales analizamos nuevas formas de crear redes, circuitos y liderazgos; pero también nuevos impulsos para fundar naciones imaginadas que atraviesan y trascienden los Estados-nación modernos.En sentido contrario Sociology & AnthropologydiasporamondialisationPortugalGabonYorubaRwandadansepratique religieuserituelBrésilmigration internationaleévangélisationArgentineMexiqueÉtats-UnisCubagroupe religieuxsecteanthropologie religieusetransnationalisationcirculation des personnesitinéraire migratoireculte des saintsNahuaSoninkéantropología religiosaArgentinaBrasilmovimiento de personasculto a los santosdanzadiásporaEstados UnidosetniaevangelizaciónGabóngrupo religiosoruta migratoriaMéxicomigración internacionalglobalizaciónpráctica religiosaritualRuandasectatransnacionalizaciónantropología religiosapráctica religiosaRuandatransnacionalizaciónevangelizaciónYorubaPortugalglobalizaciónruta migratoriaBrasilGabóndanzamigración internacionalmovimiento de personasculto a los santosArgentinaritualMéxicoEstados UnidosCubaetniaNahuadiásporagrupo religiosoSoninkésectaSociology & AnthropologydiasporamondialisationPortugalGabonYorubaRwandadansepratique religieuserituelBrésilmigration internationaleévangélisationArgentineMexiqueÉtats-UnisCubagroupe religieuxsecteanthropologie religieusetransnationalisationcirculation des personnesitinéraire migratoireculte des saintsNahuaSoninkéantropología religiosaArgentinaBrasilmovimiento de personasculto a los santosdanzadiásporaEstados UnidosetniaevangelizaciónGabóngrupo religiosoruta migratoriaMéxicomigración internacionalglobalizaciónpráctica religiosaritualRuandasectatransnacionalizaciónArgyriadis Kali1237236Capone Stefania1289133De La Torre Renée1313280Mary André393848Verea María Palomar1313281Argyriadis Kali1237236B. Juárez Huet Nahayeilli1313282Capone Stefania1289133de la Torre Renée1313283Fancello Sandra1313284Frigerio Alejandro533347Guillot Maïa1313285Gutiérrez Zúñiga Cristina1313286Luca Nathalie1313287Mary André393848Mebiame Zomo Maixant1313288Mottier Damien1313289Pedro Oro Ari1313290Teresa Rodríguez María1311088Timéra Mahamet1313291Torre Renée de la1237237FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910293356903321En sentido contrario3031254UNINA05114nam 2201309z- 450 991063779280332120231214133655.03-0365-5707-5(CKB)5470000001631608(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/94569(EXLCZ)99547000000163160820202212d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierParenting in the 21st CenturyBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (310 p.)3-0365-5708-3 In this Special Issue, we present a collection of articles that cover the unique opportunities and challenges of parenting in the 21st century. We have identified three themes across the articles: managing stress; support for effective parenting; and emphasis on fostering competence for an uncertain future. First, although the studies did not use data to test for differences between cohorts of parents, the results suggested that stress is a normal state for parents today, and especially for certain groups of parents. Second, despite high stress among parents, the articles point at some important support systems for parents in the 21st century. For example, although technology can be a stressor, it can also be a useful tool to enhance the parent-child relationship for parents of adolescents or young adults. Finally, in the third theme, we saw an emphasis on promoting a mix of competencies emphasizing both autonomy and relatedness in children and speculate that parents see these competences as tools to help the child to deal with an uncertain future.Results from this Special Issue illustrate the impact of societal changes on parenting. The findings can be used to develop programs and policies to provide support to diverse parents in handling today’s stressors, ranging from technology to racism to excessive pressures for parental “success”. They also point to important research gaps in understanding the task of parenting in the 21st century.HumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscadolescentsPositive Youth Developmentparental supportpsychological controlbidirectional effectsauthoritariancollectivismculturehistorical perspectiveindividualisminternationalparenting attitudessocial changeautonomychildren's agencynoncomplianceresistanceparent-child relationshipsparenting practicessocializationsocial relational theoryteenage attitudetext messagingparent-child relationshipcommunicationmobile phonesinteractionsparentingemerging adulthoodHispanicLatino/a/xmiddle childhoodmothers/mother-child relationshistorical trendsinfant careparenting advicechild care booksmindful parentingtechnoferencemindfulnesstechnologysmartphonemother attachmentfather attachmentinvolvementattachment behaviorattachment securityAQSearly childhoodCOVID-1921st centuryadolescenceinternalisingracial-ethnic socializationcritical consciousnesscompetencylatent profile analysisparental controlLatino familiesculturally responsive approachesparent-child interactionsautism spectrum disorderlate childhoodmental healthpovertyadversityresiliencyfamily supportintensification of parentingfamily diversitylone mothersnon-resident fatherssocioeconomic backgroundburnoutauthoritativepermissivenessneedsprotectionHumanitiesSocial interactionBuchanan Christyedt1323179Glatz TereseedtBuchanan ChristyothGlatz TereseothBOOK9910637792803321Parenting in the 21st Century3035412UNINA01600nam 2200529 450 991081834120332120200520144314.02-84516-440-8(CKB)3710000000104044(EBL)3239318(SSID)ssj0001212425(PQKBManifestationID)11720673(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001212425(PQKBWorkID)11210968(PQKB)10776417(MiAaPQ)EBC3239318(Au-PeEL)EBL3239318(CaPaEBR)ebr10860353(OCoLC)904273803(PPN)185452825(EXLCZ)99371000000010404420140425d2009 uy| 0freur|n|---|||||txtccrLes Parcours de formation des enseignants débutants /Roland Goigoux, Luc Ria et Marie-Christine Toczek-CapelleClermont-Ferrand :Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal,2009.1 online resource (368 p.)"Laboratoire Paedi"--Cover.2-84516-401-7 Includes bibliographical references.TeachersTraining ofTeachingTeachersTraining of.Teaching.Goigoux Roland1176268Ria LucToczek-Capelle Marie-ChristineMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910818341203321Les Parcours de formation des enseignants débutants3938810UNINA