04151 am 22007693u 450 991013200390332120230617034420.088-8453-366-X(CKB)3400000000018694(ItFiC)it 05664055(SSID)ssj0000507566(PQKBManifestationID)12204286(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000507566(PQKBWorkID)10546853(PQKB)10951934(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/28492(EXLCZ)99340000000001869420090107d2005 uy 0enguzbu#---uuuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAn intimate and contested relation the United States and Cuba in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries = Una relación íntima y controvertida /a collection of essays edited and introduced by Alessandra LoriniFirenze University Press2006Firenze :Firenze University Press,2005.1 online resource (141 pages) illustrations; digital, PDF file(s)Storia e geografia An intimate and contested relationStoria e geografia / Università degli studidi Firenze, Dipartimento di studi storici egeografici ;2Essays.Texts in Engl. or Italian.Print version: 8884533678 Includes bibliographical references.Relaciones controversiales y la construcción del Partido Revolucionario Cubano en Estados Unidos / Francisca López Civeira -- Imágenes en conflicto: Cuba y la presenzia [sic] imperial norteamericana (1898-1902) / Marial Iglesias Utset -- Alexis Everett Frye y la experiencia de los maestros cubanos en Harvard en el año 1900 / Irene Fattacciu -- A momentary transnational sisterhood: Cuban/U.S. collaboration in the formation of the Inter-American Commission of Women / Ellen Carol DuBois -- Social scientists wrestling with race and nation: a transnational perspective on African-American W.E.B. Du Bois and Cuban Fernando Ortiz -- "A war between civilizations:" The Italian press and the Cuban-Spanish-American War of 1898 / Enrica Bricchetto.The essays in this book explore the political, social and cultural complexity of the relations between the United States and Cuba in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They address aspects ranging from the Cuban exiles who from the States forged the independence of their homeland, the profound transformation of Cuban society during the American military occupation of 1898-1902, the coalitions and the conflicts between North American and Cuban feminism, and between the Afro-American racial identity and the Cuban national identity. At the crux of this relationship is the American military intervention of 1898, perceived in Europe at the time as a "war between civilisations", and the legacy of the thought of José Martí.Spanish-American War, 1898InfluenceRegions & Countries - AmericasHILCCHistory & ArchaeologyHILCCUnited States - GeneralHILCCUnited StatesForeign relationsCubaCubaForeign relationsUnited Statesstati uniti d'americacuban societyhistoryunited states of americastoriasocietà cubanacubaCubansHavanaItalyJosé MartíW. E. B. Du BoisSpanish-American War, 1898InfluenceRegions & Countries - AmericasHistory & ArchaeologyUnited States - General327Alessandra Loriniauth1362002Lorini Alessandra1949-ItFiCItFiCUkMaJRUBOOK9910132003903321An intimate and contested relation3380750UNINA