02408 am 2200709 n 450 991033822670332120181219979-1-03-651667-210.4000/books.pulg.5175(CKB)4100000009163544(FrMaCLE)OB-pulg-5175(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/52262(PPN)238690288(EXLCZ)99410000000916354420190903j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL’encyclopédisme au XVIIIe siècle /Françoise TilkinLiège Presses universitaires de Liège20181 online resource (358-[15] p.) Philosophy, French18th centuryEncyclopedias and dictionaries, FrenchEarly works to 1800CongressesEncyclopedistsFranceFranceIntellectual life18th centuryencyclopédismeinstructionEncyclopédievie intellectuellearchitecturePhilosophy, FrenchEncyclopedias and dictionaries, FrenchEarly works to 1800Congresses.Encyclopedists034/.109033Bernard Bruno1278646Bruneel Claude253062Corbesier Laurence1292710Couvreur Manuel737065Croiset Sophie1292711Darnton Robert162547de Meulenacker Pierre Mouriau1292712Droixhe Daniel155001Gason Pierre1292713Gilissen Pierre1292714Gossiaux Pol Pierre155002Groult Martine158135Laudin Gérard1285960Lorenzi Maurice1292715Marcil Yasmine1289925Mortier Roland154789Opsomer Carmélia171489Tilkin Françoise732229Vanwelkenhuyzen Nadine1292716Wilkin Alexis1289907Tilkin Françoise732229FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910338226703321L’encyclopédisme au XVIIIe siècle3022447UNINA03183nam 2200865z- 450 991055762160332120231214133535.0(CKB)5400000000045201(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/79570(EXLCZ)99540000000004520120202203d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvanced Techniques and Efficiency Assessment of Mechanical ProcessingBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (128 p.)3-0365-2875-X 3-0365-2874-1 Mechanical processing is just one step in the value chain of metal production, but to some exten,t it determines an effectiveness of separation through suitable preparation of the raw material for beneficiation processes through production of required particle sze composition and useful mineral liberation. The issue is mostly related to techniques of comminution and size classification, but it also concerns methods of gravity separation, as well as modeling and optimization. Technological and economic assessment supplements the issue.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscbelt ore measurementconvolutional neural networkimage processingcontour detectionOpenCVbrittle materialsuniaxial compressioncomminutionparticle sizemovement characteristicsparticle velocitykinetic energyspatial distributionflotationcopper orelithologyflotation agentsparticle size distributiontaxonomic methodsDual-Energy X-ray Transmission (DE-XRT)sulphidepolymetallicvibrating flip-flow screenDEMwet stick materialJKR modelseparation performanceaggregatesjig beneficiationmineral processingraw materialsseparationenrichmentHPGRapproximation of particle sizesieving screendiagnosticspredictive maintenancewavelet transformationTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologySaramak Danieledt1314883Pawełczyk MarekedtNiedoba TomaszedtSaramak DanielothPawełczyk MarekothNiedoba TomaszothBOOK9910557621603321Advanced Techniques and Efficiency Assessment of Mechanical Processing3032089UNINA06064nam 2200757 450 991013148220332120200520144314.01-119-10615-X1-119-10617-61-119-10616-8(CKB)3710000000451192(EBL)2030742(SSID)ssj0001530246(PQKBManifestationID)12505039(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001530246(PQKBWorkID)11523735(PQKB)10238046(PQKBManifestationID)16226515(PQKB)20515878(DLC) 2015030459(Au-PeEL)EBL4041028(CaPaEBR)ebr11081200(CaONFJC)MIL816299(Au-PeEL)EBL2030742(PPN)191455377(MiAaPQ)EBC4041028(OCoLC)915311978(EXLCZ)99371000000045119220150810h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBehavioral computational social science /Riccardo Boero1st ed.Chichester, England :Wiley,2015.©20151 online resource (201 p.)Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social ScienceDescription based upon print version of record.1-118-65730-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 Introduction: Toward behavioral computational social science; 1.1 Research strategies in CSS; 1.2 Why behavioral CSS; 1.3 Organization of the book; PART I CONCEPTS AND METHODS; Chapter 2Explanation in computational social science; 2.1 Concepts; 2.1.1 Causality; 2.1.2 Data; 2.2 Methods; 2.2.1 ABMs; 2.2.2 Statistical mechanics, system dynamics, and cellular automata; 2.3 Tools; 2.4 Critical issues: Uncertainty, model communication; Chapter 3Observation and explanation in behavioral sciences; 3.1 Concepts; 3.2 Observation methods3.2.1 Naturalistic observation and case studies3.2.2 Surveys; 3.2.3 Experiments and quasiexperiments; 3.3 Tools; 3.4 Critical issues: Induced responses, external validity, and replicability; Chapter 4Reasons for integration; 4.1 The perspective of agent-based modelers; 4.2 The perspective of behavioral social scientists; 4.3 The perspective of social sciences in general; PART II BEHAVIORAL COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE IN PRACTICE; Chapter 5Behavioral agents; 5.1 Measurement scales of data; 5.2 Model calibration; 5.2.1 Single decision variable and simple decision function5.2.2 Multiple decision variables and multilevel decision trees5.3 Model classification; 5.4 Critical issues: Validation, uncertainty modeling; Chapter 6Sophisticated agents; 6.1 Common features of sophisticated agents; 6.2 Cognitive processes; 6.2.1 Reinforcement learning; 6.2.2 Other models of bounded rationality; 6.2.3 Nature-inspired algorithms; 6.3 Cognitive structures; 6.3.1 Middle-level structures; 6.3.2 Rich cognitive models; 6.4 Critical issues: Calibration, validation, robustness, social interface; Chapter 7Social networks and other interaction structures7.1 Essential elements of SNA7.2 Models for the generation of social networks; 7.3 Other kinds of interaction structures; 7.4 Critical issues: Time and behavior; Chapter 8An example of application; 8.1 The social dilemma; 8.1.1 The theory; 8.1.2 Evidence; 8.1.3 Our research agenda; 8.2 The original experiment; 8.3 Behavioral agents; 8.3.1 Fixed effects model; 8.3.2 Random coefficients model; 8.3.3 First differences model; 8.3.4 Ordered probit model with individual dummies; 8.3.5 Multilevel decision trees; 8.3.6 Classified heuristics; 8.4 Learning agents; 8.5 Interaction structures8.6 Results: Answers to a few research questions8.6.1 Are all models of agents capable of replicating the experiment?; 8.6.2 Was the experiment influenced by chance?; 8.6.3 Do economic incentives work?; 8.6.4 Why does increasing group size generate more cooperation?; 8.6.5 What happens with longer interaction?; 8.6.6 Does a realistic social network promote cooperation?; 8.7 Conclusions; Appendix Technical guide to the example model; A.1 The interface; A.2 The code; A.2.1 Variable declaration; A.2.2 Simulation setup; A.2.3 Running the simulation; A.2.4 Decision-makingA.2.5 Updating interaction structure and other variables"This book is organized in two parts: the first part introduces the reader to all the concepts, tools and references that are required to start conducting research in behavioral computational social science. The methodological reasons for integrating the two approaches are also presented from the individual and separated viewpoints of the two approaches.The second part of the book, presents all the advanced methodological and technical aspects that are relevant for the proposed integration. Several contributions which effectively merge the computational and the behavioral approaches are presented and discussed throughout"--Provided by publisher."Provides a unified approach to social research, integrating both agent-based models and behavioral studies.Introduces the reader to all the concepts, tools and references that are required for conducting research in behavioral computational social science"--Provided by publisher.Wiley series in computational and quantitative social science.Social sciencesMathematical modelsSocial sciencesData processingSocial sciencesMathematical models.Social sciencesData processing.300.72MAT029000bisacshBoero Riccardo901599MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910131482203321Behavioral computational social science2015193UNINA