03945 am 2200601 n 450 9910576800503321202111242-7283-1363-610.4000/books.efr.37220(CKB)4100000012877752(FrMaCLE)OB-efr-37220(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85227(PPN)263750531(EXLCZ)99410000001287775220220620j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes récits historiques entre Orient et Occident, XIe-XVe siècle /Irène Bueno, Camille RouxpetelRome Publications de l’École française de Rome20211 online resource (384 p.) Collection de l'École française de Rome2-7283-1362-8 Espace privilégié d’échanges et de circulation, la Méditerranée médiévale est un théâtre de rencontres entre chrétiens d’Orient et d’Occident. Celles-ci constituent un moyen de transmission des savoirs et des connaissances, elles contribuent à façonner de nouvelles représentations tant sur le plan de l’histoire que sur le plan des espaces ou de l’ecclésiologie. Les conditions de production de textes historiques, leur circulation, leurs usages et l’autorité qui leur est conférée permettent alors d’examiner comment Latins, Grecs et Orientaux tiennent compte de l’altérité interne ou externe à la chrétienté dans sa définition même. La quête des origines, le plus souvent destinée à fonder une autorité, peut ainsi être mise au service tantôt d’une réflexion critique sur la situation présente, tantôt d’une stratégie de légitimation d’une entreprise à venir. Centré sur l’Occident et les Orients chrétiens, de Constantinople à l’Éthiopie en passant par l’Arménie, cet ouvrage n’en porte pas moins sur une aire régionale méditerranéenne où, à l’exception de sa partie nord-occidentale, les pouvoirs islamiques gagnent en importance au détriment des pouvoirs chrétiens. Entre Occident et Orients chrétiens, ilkhanides et islamiques, porosité, emprunts ou, à l’inverse, revendications identitaires de communautés qui, loin de vivre isolées les unes des autres, sont en interaction constante, constituent une variable supplémentaire de la définition d’une écriture de l’histoire. Ce livre offre une réflexion transversale autour de la production et de la transmission des récits historiques dans l’espace méditerranéen et proche-oriental au Moyen Âge. Ces récits sont autant de symptômes de l’intégration constante qu’opèrent des sociétés interconnectées et ouvertes à de nouveaux espaces comme à l’introduction de nouvelles idées.Récits historiques entre Orient et Occident Historyhistoriographie médiévaleOrient-Occidenthistoriographie médiévaleOrient-OccidentHistoryhistoriographie médiévaleOrient-OccidentAugé Isabelle475790Avvakumov Yuri P1300682Bais Marco451277Bueno Irene617933Gabriel Frédéric1290240Ioan Mureşan Dan1300683La Porta Sergio1300684Rouxpetel Camille1300685Schmieder Felicitas777731Tanase Thomas619611Weber Benjamin480922Bueno Irène617933Rouxpetel Camille1300685FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910576800503321Les récits historiques entre Orient et Occident, XIe-XVe siècle3025630UNINA02955 am 2200661 n 450 9910131365603321201506012-11-139798-9(CKB)3710000000491167(FrMaCLE)OB-deps-898(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/47099(PPN)189313293(EXLCZ)99371000000049116720150921j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAn Evaluation of the Diversity of the Film Market for Cinema and Video Recordings in France and in Europe /Florence Lévy-HartmannParis Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques2015The issue of cultural diversity is examined from the point of view of the diversity of the market for films shown in cinemas and films released as video recordings in the 2000s, based on a new sample of 5,600 films shown in cinemas, and 6,500 video film recordings. For both markets, the method used consisted of measuring diversity based on the criteria of variety, balance and range. The issues of increased supply (films), distribution (copies) and demand (number of tickets or video recordings sold) are covered for 6 European countries, namely: France, Denmark, Spain, Poland, the UK and Sweden. The video film market is covered for France only. The method used tends to indicate that France has the most diverse cinema film market, whilst its video film market is considerably less diverse. It confirms differences in diversity according to marketing channels whilst new research shows a higher level of diversity within the internet video film market.SociologyFilm Radio Televisiondiversité culturelleaudiovisuelcinémacommerceanalyse comparativecinemacultural diversityaudiovisualmarketcomparative analysismarketcomparative analysiscultural diversityaudiovisualcinemaSociologyFilm Radio Televisiondiversité culturelleaudiovisuelcinémacommerceanalyse comparativecinemacultural diversityaudiovisualmarketcomparative analysisLévy-Hartmann Florence1299460Chaintreau Jean-François1287951FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910131365603321An Evaluation of the Diversity of the Film Market for Cinema and Video Recordings in France and in Europe3384661UNINA05031nam 2201225z- 450 991059506750332120231214133210.0(CKB)5680000000080857(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/92035(EXLCZ)99568000000008085720202209d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBiofuels Production and Processing TechnologyBaselMDPI Books20221 electronic resource (250 p.)3-0365-4823-8 3-0365-4824-6 The negative impacts of global warming and global environmental pollution due to fossil fuels mean that the main challenge of modern society is finding alternatives to conventional fuels. In this scenario, biofuels derived from renewable biomass represent the most promising renewable energy sources. Depending on the biomass used by the fermentation technologies, it is possible to obtain first-generation biofuels produced from food crops, second-generation biofuels produced from non-food feedstock, mainly starting from renewable lignocellulosic biomasses, and third-generation biofuels, represented by algae or food waste biomass.Although biofuels appear to be the closest alternative to fossil fuels, it is necessary for them to be produced in competitive quantities and costs, requiring both improvements to production technologies and the diversification of feedstock. This Special Issue is focused on technological innovations, including the utilization of different feedstocks, with a particular focus on biethanol production from food waste; different biomass pretreatments; fermentation strategies, such as simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) or separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF); different applied microorganisms used as a monoculture or co-culture; and different setups for biofuel fermentation processes.The manuscripts collected represent a great opportunity for adding new knowledge to the scientific community as well as industry.Technology: general issuesbicsscBiotechnologybicsscbiofuelscornextractionenzyme-assistedproteinsoybeanmolecular sievewater removalrotary shakingelectromagnetic stirringbiofuelgasoholtrend analysispromotion policyregulatory measurebottlenecksynthesis gas fermentationvolumetric mass transfer coefficientTween 80® surfactantgasificationmulti-objective optimizationbioethanolsyngas fermentationmodelingsustainabilitysoapberry pericarpcarbonizationbiocharpore propertysurface chemistrybiomethanefood wasteco-productionbiorefinerybioelectrochemical system (BES)carbon dioxide sequestrationextracellular electron transfer (EET)electroactive microorganismsmicrobial biocatalystelectro-fermentationcircular economydownstream processing (DSP)gene manipulationbiogascompost leachatepressurized anaerobic digestionethanolsimultaneous saccharification and fermentationSaccharomyces cerevisiaesingle cell proteinpineapple wastecell wall sugarfermentationspent sugar beet pulpmodeleconomicspretreatmentsaccharificationB. ceibabiomasssecond-generation biofuelbioenergybiodieselnon-fossil fuelempty fruit bunchesresponse surface methodologycentral composite designbiofuel production technologiesdownstream processingenergybioethanol productionagroforest and industrial waste feedstock valorizationmicroorganisms for biofuelTechnology: general issuesBiotechnologyTropea Alessiaedt1332320Tropea AlessiaothBOOK9910595067503321Biofuels Production and Processing Technology3040827UNINA01555nas 2200505-a 450 991089297330332120240413021433.02191-4788(DE-599)ZDB2421044-4(CKB)958480264850(CONSER)---88649848-(EXLCZ)9995848026485019870528a19879999 --- aengtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierActa meteorologica Sinica =Chiʻi hsiang hsüeh paoBeijing China Meteorological Press ;Oxford ;New York Pergamon Press1987-1 online resourceRefereed/Peer-reviewed0894-0525 QI XIANG XUE BAO ( YING WEN BAN )气象学报(英文版)氣象學報(英文版)QIXIANG XUEBAO (YINGWENBAN)ACTA METEOROL SINACTA METEOROL. SINActa meteorol. Sin.MeteorologyPeriodicalsClimatologyfast(OCoLC)fst00864281Meteorologyfast(OCoLC)fst01018441ChinaClimatePeriodicalsChinafastPeriodicals.fastMeteorologyMeteorologyClimatology.Meteorology.Zhongguo qi xiang xue hui.JOURNAL9910892973303321exl_impl conversionActa meteorologica Sinica2065741UNINA01039nam0 2200277 i 450 VAN0007616220240806100608.97720100714d1980 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Guy François(1578?-1650)Luigi FicacciRomaMultigrafica198098 p.tav.21 cm.VAN00080645Guy Francois (millecinquecentosettantotto?-milleseicentocinquanta)Francois, GuyVANC027586FIRomaVANL000360759.421FicacciLuigiVANV066438484320Multigrafica <editore>VANV108280650ITSOL20250124RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN07VAN00076162BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07CONS Kc 709 07 15564 20100714 Guy François1419734UNICAMPANIA