01575nam0 2200337 i 450 SUN011488020180219115926.8520.00N978-3-319-33446-220180214d2016 |0engc50 baengCH|||| |||||*Innovations in derivatives marketsfixed income modeling, valuation adjustments, risk management, and regulationKathrin Glau ... [et al.] editors[Cham] : Springer Open, 2016X449 p.ill. ; 24 cmPubblicazione in formato elettronico001SUN01025742001 *Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics165210 BerlinSpringer2012-.00B25Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02073291-XXGame theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02560191G20Derivative securities (option pricing, hedging, etc.) [MSC 2020]MFSUNC03101191G40Credit risk [MSC 2020]MFSUNC031366CHChamSUNL001889Glau, KathrinSUNV087379SpringerSUNV000178650ITSOL20201012RICAhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33446-2SUN0114880BIBLIOTECA CENTRO DI SERVIZIO SBA15CONS SBA EBOOK 2307 15EB 2307 20180214 Innovations in derivatives markets1523396UNICAMPANIA04239oam 2200757 450 991013131320332120230125224240.01-77199-013-91-77199-012-0(CKB)3710000000387042(EBL)1996506(SSID)ssj0001482791(PQKBManifestationID)12621450(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001482791(PQKBWorkID)11412570(PQKB)10291808(CEL)449752(CaBNVSL)thg00930089(MiAaPQ)EBC4839958(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58563(VaAlCD)20.500.12592/svhzzr(EXLCZ)99371000000038704220170427d2015 uy 0engurbn#---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRocks in the water, rocks in the sun a memoir from the heart of Haiti /Vilmond Joegodson Déralciné and Paul JacksonAthabasca University Press2015Edmonton, Alberta :AU Press,[2015].©20151 online resource (375 pages)Our Lives: Diary, Memoir, and Letters1-77199-011-2 Includes bibliographical references"When Joegodson Déralciné was still a small child, his parents left rural Haiti to resettle in the rapidly growing zones of Port-au-Prince. As his family entered the city in 1986, Duvalier and his dictatorship exited. Haitians, once terrorized under Duvalier's reign, were liberated and emboldened to believe that they could take control of their lives. But how? Joining hundreds of thousands of other peasants trying to adjust to urban life, Joegodson and his family sought work and a means of survival. But all they found was low-waged assembly plant jobs of the sort to which the repressive Duvalier regime had opened Haiti's doors--the combination of flexible capital and cheap labour too attractive to multinational manufacturers to be overlooked. With the death of his mother, Joegodson was placed in his uncle's care, and so began a childhood of starvation, endless labour, and abuse. In honest, reflective prose, Joegodson--now a father himself--allows us to walk in the ditches of Cité Soleil, to hide from the macoutes under the bed, to feel the ache of an empty stomach. But, most importantly, he provides an account of life in Haiti from a perspective that is rarely heard. Free of sentimentality and hackneyed clichés, his narrative explores the spirituality of Vodou, Catholicism, and Protestantism, describes the harrowing day of the 2010 earthquake and its aftermath, and illustrates the inner workings of MINUSTAH. Written with Canadian historian Paul Jackson--Joegodson telling his story in Creole, Jackson translating, the two of them then reviewing and reworking--the memoir is a true collaboration, the struggle of two people from different lands and vastly different circumstances to arrive at a place of mutual understanding. In the process, they have given us an unforgettable account of a country determined to survive, and on its own terms."--Provided by publisher.Our lives--diary, memoir, and letters.FathersHaitiPort-au-PrinceBiographyHaiti Earthquake, Haiti, 2010HaitiHistory1986-HaitiSocial conditionsHaitiEconomic conditionsHaitiReligionHaitiBiography2010 earthquakemacoutesgarment factoriesGildanUnited NationsPort-au-PrinceMINUSTAHAristideFathersHaiti Earthquake, Haiti, 2010.972.94073092Déralciné Vilmond Joegodson1983-981267Jackson Paul1955-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQUkMaJRUBOOK9910131313203321Rocks in the water, rocks in the sun2239688UNINA