01575nam0-2200445---450-99000994359040332120150225112217.00444414010vol. 10444414029vol. 20444414037vol. 30444414045vol. 40444414053vol. 50444414061vol. 6044441407xvol. 7000994359FED01000994359(Aleph)000994359FED0100099435920150225d1976----km-y0itay50------baengNLa-------001yyHandbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore depositsedited by K. H. WolfAmsterdamElsevier19767 v.1.: Classification and historical studies2.: Geochemical studies3.: Supergene and surficial ore deposits; textures and fabrics4.: Tectonics and metamorphism; indexes volumes 1-45.: Regional studies6.: Cu, Zn, Pb, and Ag deposits7.: Au, U, Fe, Mn, Hg, Sb, W, and P deposits; indexes volumes 5-7Wolf,Karl H.ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990009943590403321GM1 N V 13a65109GM1GM1 N V 13b65110GM1GM1 N V 13c65111GM1GM1 N V 13d65112GM1GM1 N V 13e65113GM1GM1 N V 13f65114GM1GM1 N V 13g65115GM1GM1Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits820852UNINA