01530nam0-2200349---450-99000949183040332120111124100738.0000949183FED01000949183(Aleph)000949183FED0100094918320111124f2010----km-y0itay50------baengDESmall animal neurologyan illustrated textAndré Jaggyassociate editor Simon R. Platt ; english translation Teresa J. GatesmanHannoverSchlütersche2010XXV, 580 pill.28 cm + 1 CD-ROMVetTrad. inglese della 2. ed. tedescaIl CD-ROM allegato contiene: Pt. 1, "Clinical investigation": Mental status, behaviour, posture; Gait; Cranial nerves; Postural and placement reactions; Spinalreflexes; Sensation; Pt. 2, "Clinical cases" provides demonstration material of neurological diseases affecting various localizationsRequisiti minimi del sistema per il CD-ROM allegato: Pentium III 800 MHz; 129 MB RAM; Windows 2000/Me/XP; AGP Interface (recommended); 20 MB free hard disk space.2001Atlas und Lehrbuch der Kleintierneurologie54155Gatesman,Teresa J.514474Jaggy,Andre514475Platt,Simon R.ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990009491830403321M41s. i.DMVCCDMVCCAtlas und Lehrbuch der Kleintierneurologie54155UNINA