01049nam0-22003011i-450-99000790532040332120040714084848.0000790532FED01000790532(Aleph)000790532FED0100079053220040714d1957----km-y0itay50------baengUSa-------001yy<<The >>measure of value stated and illustrated with an application of it to the alterations in the value of the english currency since 1790T.R. MalthusNew YorkKelley & Millman1957V, 81 p.22 cm1st ed. 1823ValoreTeorie di T.R. MalthusMalthus,Thomas Robert<1766-1834>49012ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990007905320403321I/1.1 MAL228/ISESSESMeasure of value stated and illustrated with an application of it to the alterations in the value of the english currency since 1790670771UNINA