01414nam0-22003731--450-99000610014040332120061227173512.00-913966-63-0000610014FED01000610014(Aleph)000610014FED0100061001420000112d1981----km-y0itay50------baenggerUSc---ac--001yySocialisman economic and sociological analysisLudwig von Misestranslated by J. KahaneIndianapolisLiberty classics1981XXIV, 569 p.24 cm"This edition of Socialism follows the text, with correction and enlargement of footnotes, of the Jonathan Cape Ltd., edition published in London in 1969. The edition was based on the 1951 edition by Yale University Press which slightly enlarged the first English edition published by Jonathan Cape in 1936, translated from the German by J. Kahane." - Verso del frontespizioBibliografia: p. 543-55433520itaVon Mises,Ludwig68031Kahane,Jacques<1900- >ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990006100140403321XV E1 7918251*FGBCD/4 MIS/15289SESD/4 MIS/2378/DESESFGBCSESSocialism574505UNINA