01002nam0-2200313---450-99000581500040332120150210114246.0000581500FED01000581500(Aleph)000581500FED0100058150019990604e19701736km-y0itay50------bafreCHy-------001yyMémoires pour servir a l'histoire de Port-RoyalNicolas FontaineGenèveSlatkine Reprints19702 v. in 1 (294 p. a col.)31 cmRiproduzione facsimilare dell’edizione: Autrecht : au dépens de la Compagnie, 1736Abbazia di Port RoyalStoria27122Fontaine,Nicolas<1625-1709>495166ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990005815000403321271 FON 1DIP.FIL.MOD. 7243FLFBCFLFBCMémoires pour servir a l'histoire de Port-Royal567933UNINA01302nam--2200385---450-99000294998020331620130129152638.092-894-8396-2000294998USA01000294998(ALEPH)000294998USA0100029499820070627d2006----km-y0itay0103----baitaLU||||||||001yyEsploriamo l'Europa!Commissione europea, DG Stampa e comunicazione, Unità PubblicazioniLussemburgoUfficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunità europee200644 p.ill.30 cmEuropaLibri per ragazzi91401.05Storia dell'EuropaCommissione europea :Direzione generale Comunicazione573563ITsalbcISBD990002949980203316CDE 01.05 (LXII)CDE 1204CDE 01.0500149296CDE 01.05 (LXII)aCDE 1228CDE 01.0500149313CDE 01.05 (LXII)bCDE 1203CDE 01.0500149293BKCDEMARIAS9020070627USA011114BATCH-UPD9020111221USA011510MARIAS9020130129USA011526Esploriamo l'Europa1016772UNISA03606nam 2200637 a 450 991045954920332120200520144314.01-283-15636-997866131563650-643-10043-1(CKB)2670000000029201(EBL)542576(OCoLC)645939902(SSID)ssj0000416019(PQKBManifestationID)12146832(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000416019(PQKBWorkID)10438031(PQKB)11647664(MiAaPQ)EBC542576(Au-PeEL)EBL542576(CaPaEBR)ebr10620195(CaONFJC)MIL315636(EXLCZ)99267000000002920120110920d2010 ua 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDiseases of vegetable crops in Australia[electronic resource] /[editors], Denis Persley, Tony Cooke and Susan House[Rev. and expanded].Collingwood, Vic. CSIRO Pub. ;[Qld.] Queensland Governmentc20101 online resource (304 p.)"Handbook of plant diseases in colour: fruit and vegetables, was published by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries in 1978 with a second edition published in 1982. It was fully revised in the mid 1990s and published as two separate volumes, 'Diseases of fruit crops' and 'Diseases of vegetable crops'. This current edition is extensively revised and expanded."--Pref.0-643-09638-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.COVER; CONTENTS; Foreword; Preface; Contributors; Acknowledgements; 1 Plant diseases - an introduction Denis Persley and Heidi Martin; 2 Common diseases of vegetable crops Denis Persley and Graham Stirling; 3 Asian vegetables Leanne Forsyth, Len Tesorieroand Barry Conde; 4 Asparagus Christine Horlock and Bob Davis; 5 Bean Denis Persley and Heidi Martin; 6 Beetroot and silver beet Heidi Martin; 7 Brassicas (crucifers) Denis Persley and Heidi Martin; 8 Capsicum (pepper) Denis Persley, Heidi Martinand Murray Sharman; 9 Carrot Denis Persley; 10 Celery Bob Davis and Denis Persley11 Cucurbits Denis Persley, Chrys Akem and Heidi Martin12 Eggplant (aubergine) Heidi Martin; 13 Ginger Ken Pegg and Graham Stirling; 14 Herbs and speciality crops Heidi Martin and Denis Persley; 15 Lettuce Heidi Martin, Denis Persleyand Cherie Gambley; 16 Onion and related crops(garlic, leek, shallot) Denis Persley and Barbara Hall; 17 Parsnip Elizabeth Minchinton and Desmond Auer; 18 Pea Heidi Martin; 19 Potato Heidi Martin, Rudolf De Boer, John Thomasand Denis Persley; 20 Rhubarb John Thomas and Denis Persley; 21 Sweet corn Denis Persley; 22 Sweetpotato Denis Persley and Eric Coleman23 Tomato Heidi Martin, John Thomasand Denis PersleyGlossary; IndexProvides a diagnostic guide and a key reference for diseases affecting vegetable crops in Australia.VegetablesDiseases and pestsAustraliaElectronic books.VegetablesDiseases and pests635.0493Persley Denis925060Cooke Tony925061House Susan925062CSIRO (Australia)Queensland.Dept. of Primary Industries and Fisheries.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459549203321Diseases of vegetable crops in Australia2076221UNINA01123nam0 22003131i 450 VAN0001855720250211105147.72088-405-3272-220040629d1996 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||i e nRisparmio energetico in ediliziacriteri e normeGiancarlo Chiesa, Giuliano Dall'ÒMilanoMasson1996IX, 211 p.24 cmEdificiIsolamento termicoVANC032668INMilanoVANL000284693.83221ChiesaGiancarloVANV014620729471Dall'ÒGiulianoVANV014621339457Masson <Italia> <editore>VANV107929650ITSOL20250214RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIAIT-CE0100VAN05VAN00018557BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05PREST A 618 05 1385 20040629 Risparmio energetico in edilizia1429080UNICAMPANIA