01083nam0-22003011i-450-99000499778040332120070508102040.0000499778FED01000499778(Aleph)000499778FED0100049977819990604g19349999km-y0itay50------baitay---e---00---<<An >>Analysis of the first-year vocabularies of the public residential schools for the deaf in the United Statesa thesis in psychologyPhiladelphias.e.1934.53 p.24 cmReprint from american annals of the deaf, vol 77 n. 4 ; vol. 78, n. 2,3 and 5 ; vol. 79, n.2. (al front.). -Psicologia371.912Groff,Marne Lauritsen395717ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990004997780403321371.91 GRO 1Fil. Mod. s.i.FLFBCFLFBCAnalysis of the first-year vocabularies of the public residential schools for the deaf in the United States530544UNINA