01246nam0-22003251i-450-99000491044040332119990530000491044FED01000491044(Aleph)000491044FED0100049104419990530g19029999km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yyplan of coventry and appendixes containing the chief records of the coventry plays by Hardin CraigTWO Coventry Corpus Christi Plays1. The shermen and taylors pageant re edited from the edition fo Thomas Sharp 1825 - 2- The Weavers'pageant re edited from the manuscript of Robert Croo 1534with a2.nd ed.LondonOxford University Press1902.XLIII, 133 p.1 c. ripieg.23 cmEarly English text societyExtra series87Ristampa del 1967. -Craig,HardinITUNINARICAUNIMARCITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990004910440403321YR 1B 87Fil. Mod. 33812FLFBCFLFBCPlan of coventry and appendixes containing the chief records of the coventry plays by Hardin Craig525079UNINA