01043nam0-22003011i-450-99000491010040332119990530000491010FED01000491010(Aleph)000491010FED0100049101019990530g18801881km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yy<<The >>LYF of the Noble and Chysten Prince Charles the Cretetranslted from the french by William Caxton and printed by Him 1485edited from the unique copy in the BritisH Museum by Sidney J. HLondonOxford University Press1880- 1881.XII, 267 p.23 cmEarly English text society36Ristampa del 1967. -Caxton,WilliamHerrtage,Sidney John HervonITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990004910100403321YR 1B 36-37Fil. Mod. 33902FLFBCFLFBCLYF of the Noble and Chysten Prince Charles the Crete525056UNINA