01326nam0-22003371i-450-99000477485040332120130628125152.0000477485FED01000477485(Aleph)000477485FED0100047748519990604e19591913km-y0itay50------baengGBa-------001yyAristarchus of Samosthe ancient Copernicusa history of Greek astronomy to Aristarchus together with Aristarchus' s Treatise on the sizes and distances of the sun and moona new greek text with translation and notes by Thomas HeathReprinted lithographically in Great Britain at the University press, Oxford from sheets of the first edition.OxfordThe Clarendon Press1959VI, 425 p.ill.25 cmRipr. facs. dell'ed. del 1913De magnitudinibus et distantiis solis et lunae<in greco e in inglese>54583880.01Aristarchus :Samius190743Heath,Thomas Little<sir>ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990004774850403321P2B-610-ARIST.SAM.-200A-1959Bibl. 35679FLFBCFLFBCDe magnitudinibus et distantiis solis et lunae54583UNINA