01053nam0-22003371i-450-990003226740403321000322674FED01000322674(Aleph)000322674FED0100032267420000920d1968----km-y0itay50------baengIT<<A >>Treatise on the Coins of the Realm in a Letter to the King[1805]Charles Jenkinson, First Earl of Liverpool.reprinted.New YorkAugustus M. Kelley1968.X, 295 p.21 cmReprints of economic classics[first edition, 1805, second edition, London : Effingham Wilson, 1880]MonetaJ/1.1J/1.2Liverpool,Charles Jenkinson, Earl of, 1.ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990003226740403321J/12 LIV6201SESSESTreatise on the Coins of the Realm in a Letter to the King454865UNINAING01