01005nam0-22003131i-450-99000206939040332120021010000206939FED01000206939(Aleph)000206939FED0100020693920021010d--------km-y0itay50------baita<<The >>cave fauna of north america, with remarks on the anatomy of the brain and origin of the blind speciesA.S. Packards.l.National Academy of Sciences1886156 p.27 tv.29 cmVol IV : First MemoirSpeleologiaFauna delle Caverne551.447Packard,Alpheus S.85312ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000206939040332161 X A.5B/31169DAGENDAGENCave fauna of north america, with remarks on the anatomy of the brain and origin of the blind species394383UNINAING01