01106nam0-22003131i-450-99000203558040332120021010000203558FED01000203558(Aleph)000203558FED0100020355820021010d--------km-y0itay50------baita<<The >>biology of the White Pine Weevil, Pissodes Strobi (Peck), and a study of its insect parasites from an EconomicViewpoint.Raymond L. TaylorLawrenceNew York Entomological Society1929162 p. X tv.23 cmEstr. da : Entomologica Americana, vol.9 : pp.167-246 e Vol.10 : pp.1-86.ColeotteriCurculionidi595.768Taylor,Raymond L.86531ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000203558040332161 V B.7.1/043221 (7/12/91)DAGENDAGENBiology of the White Pine Weevil, Pissodes Strobi (Peck), and a study of its insect parasites from an EconomicViewpoint404461UNINAING01