01209nam2-22003251i-450-99000087237040332120001010000087237FED01000087237(Aleph)000087237FED0100008723720001010d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yypt. 1 : Function of One Variable and Analytic Geometry. XIII, 614 p., A-53App-7, I-10pt. 2 : Vector and Several Variables. XII,322 p., A-33, App-7, I-10Alternate EditionReadingAddison - Wesley Publishing CompanyInc.19722 v. (p. 936 compless.) 24 cmAddison-Wesley Serie in Mathematics7534-75350010000853712001Calculus and Analytic Geometry515Thomas,George Brinton<1914- >288560ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990000872370403321000087237000001FINBNFINBNPt. 1 : Function of One Variable and Analytic Geometry. XIII, 614 p., A-53App-7, I-10pt. 2 : Vector and Several Variables. XII,322 p., A-33, App-7, I-10355891UNINAING01