01574nam1-22003851i-450-99000053676040332120031201142636.0000053676FED01000053676(Aleph)000053676FED0100005367620020821g19531961km-y0itay50------baengy-------001yyPractical shipbuildinga manual for the construction of sea going merchant ships and war ships[G. De Rooij, J.P. De Haan, B.B. Zinkweg]HaarlemSTAM1953-1961v.31 cmShips and marine engines33 parti in volumi distinti di cui la seconda divisa in ulteriori due volumiDati estratti dai vol. A(1953) e B 2(1961). La sez. C sebbene descritta non รจ posseduta0019900005700004033212001 3 A : construction of ships0019900005700104033212001 3 B 1 : Rigging, equipment and outfit of seagoing ships : part 1 / J.P. De Haanpart 10019900005700204033212001 3 B 2 : rigging, equipment and outfit of seagoing shipspart 20019900005700304033212001 3 C : Building of ships and Layout of shipbilding yardsHaan,J. P. : deDe Rooij,G.Zinkweg,B. B.ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000053676040332105 IN 39 64 X130;789; 790DININ05 IN 39 65 X1935;1976DININDININPractical shipbuilding328931UNINA