01108nam0-22003011i-450-99000033639040332120001010000033639FED01000033639(Aleph)000033639FED0100003363920001010d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yyDETERIORATION of structures of timber, metal, and concrete exposed to the action of sea-water. Eighteenth report ofthe committee of the Institution of civil engineersBy J. Newton Friend, edited H.J. Grose.LondonPublished by the Institution1950IV,51 p., 9 plate, 24 cm621Friend,J. NewtonGrose,H.J.ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000033639040332104 184-44CA/CNR 98/LDINCHDINCHDETERIORATION of structures of timber, metal, and concrete exposed to the action of sea-water. Eighteenth report ofthe committee of the Institution of civil engineers124410UNINAING01