01106nam0-22002891i-450-99000026026040332120001010000026026FED01000026026(Aleph)000026026FED0100002602620001010d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yyGEAR lubrificationProceedings of a symposium organized by the Mechanical Tests of Lubrificants Panel of the Institute ofPetroleum and held at the Hotel Metropole, Brighton, 21-23 october 1964.LondonThe Institute of PetroleumThe Elsevier Publishing Company Amsterdam1966n. v. , ill. 31 cmMacchineSymposium organized by the Mechanical Tests of Lubrificants Panel of the Inst. Petrol. Brighton 1964 ; Mechanical Tests of Lubrificants Panel of the Institute of PetroleumITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000026026040332109 031-002604/LDINAEDINAEGEAR lubrification119138UNINAING01